Volk Nayk Youtuber/KillerKMSU and Ainslman(Gamertags) Supported Gametypes: No supported gametypes(aesthetic) Map Description To get right to the point, this map is an assault map, however, I didn't have enough stuff on it to put it into an actual competitive map, so I put it into aesthetics. This map is basically a missle launcher with a field in front of it, giving enough room for the attackers to hide. Their is also a pallet wall that gives the attackers little cover for a few seconds, and a few guns scatered around the defenders side. I intended to post this map on this forum so that people could make variations that could work in a map, or just to sit and watch the bombs go off. Even after I said this however, the map still works perfectally for assault, although the attackers may be at a disadvantage at some point. So anyway, now on to the part that everyone wants to see, the pics! _________________________________________________ Just an Overview of the Map [/img] The Wall of Pallets [/img] The Missle Launcher itself (Before Activation) [/img] How to Activate [/img] After Activation [/img] Me trying to assault (You know what happens!) [/img] Download! OR U DIE [/img] _________________________________________________ So remember this map was not finished, and will not be finished without your help, so please don't rag on me about how their aren't any weapons, or extremely good spawns, its an aesthetic map for goodness sakes! Download Volk Nayk
Hmm, looks awesome! Did you make this all by yourself? This is simply pure genius. I love the little ditches and the missile launcher, and the pallet wall is pretty cool, too. I have to say, I love it. I can't wait to see what the finished version/v2 will look like! 5/5.
nice work nice idea looks good... i saw this a LONG TIME AGO on someone else's share not acusing u but u must have mad this a long time ago... nevertheless this is nice nice layout interlocking and such gameplay klooks like it should be really fun nice job making this... looks straight n such... n nice switch
This map has been one of the first i have seen of its kind, and it does look really good. I think that this could have been neater if more work was put into it
As in my post, I said that it wasn't finished, and I said that I would finished it, if enough people liked it from the first point.
Wow, this map is awesome. The Missle launcher is crazy, must've taken a long time. The whole over all map looks like it could be good with an assualt gametype.
Wow that missile launcher really looked awesome. Love the idea. Try using the unlimited item glitch in the forging 101 section if you run out of items. Great map btw. Did I mention I like this map?
I have seen this a while ago when the original author (Sqorck) was making this... if you are sqorck, nice map. if not... you stole it. *edit* original author link found http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=47140829
Dude im sorry if i stole this map, I got it from my friend and just made a few adjustments, lilke interlocking and stuff, I didn't know he stole it or anything, and if that happened i am truly sorry
Map looks pretty cool to me. A download from me. I love the geo=merging in the centre wall in the 2nd picture, The pallet wall was also quite impressive too. I love the little missile pod/propane tank launcher. Nice map dude,Good job for posting correctly too. Overall: 4.4/5 EDIT:You stole someones map!!! OMG!! Dude!! You can get into big trouble for this.
wow great idea i was thinking about working this into a map but it had fusioncoils instead of propane tanks so thats ftw but the idea with the treanches is good too
wo;w this map is incredible i have never seen anything like this good job with it the missle launcher is genius its completely unique also your merging is really great good job dude mad props 10/10 EDIT: wow you stole it thats mean
Well thank you all for great feed back but I really shouldn't have put this on my File share. I have herd many times from people I show this to that they have seen it before be someone else, so I guess that even though I didn't finish it lots of people liked it enough to pass it on to their friends. Youtuber you really need to be more mature you can do that around here. It's all K though I might Actually finish this map now.
this map reminds me of d day on the first level of medal of honar. i really like the misile launcher. 5/5
Stop ragging on him, he said that he got it from his friend and wanted to make it better. Imagine if your friend gave you a watch but then you found out that it was stolen and the Police caught you? Yea, same diff.
Possession is 9/10's of the law, as it were. *Locked* Map theft is not tolerated. No matter the circumstances.