Ya that would be sweet but i dont have a capture card =[ still u deff should D.L. then come back and tell me how much it rocks lol
The layout looks so original I can't but help think this has the potential to be the next Kentucky Tango. It definitely needs some straightening here and there, but thats nothing that a little time and elbow grease can't fix. I'm going to run through this thing and see how well spawns and weapons work, but this map has a lot of originality as far as geometry is concerned. I'll be back with a much more detailed review with things that work well in the map, and things that need to be improved.
very unique the use of random ass interlocking is very nice it adds to this map alot i liked the tower with the abrriers on top, thats cool i really alo like you you used movable objects like you did it looks tiny bit sloppy though
You did a really good job with keeping it all asymmetrical. Everything is so neatly interlocked, and the structures, are all so unique. During game play, I found this map easy to navigate on just because each structure was different. The map layout wasn't bad either. I'd like to see more of your maps in the future. Definitely a 5/5!
I don't think I have ever seen such a unique and interesting map. Many of your structures have never been made before and don't look like anything else. . I love the defenders start, it looks amazing! I also am impressed by your use of interocking and geomerging to make amazing structures. . The attackers start looks a tad bit sloppy, but everything else is so amazing it outweighs this. Also, it's a bit open in the middle so I suggest you geomerge some more awesome structures there. . I hope it plays as good as it looks, I'm sure it will =) Keep forging, you are very talented and creative! Exellent job on the map, I look forward to your future creations.