Download The Trainyard by - Nosirrom Mij __________________________________ A Line Pics __________________________________ B Line Pics __________________________________ More Pics __________________________________ Game Variant Pictures __________________________________ Assault __________________________________ Oddball Location __________________________________ KoTH and Territories Markers are placed in the same location. __________________________________ CTF - Red Flag - (A Line) CTF - Blue Flag - (B Line) ___________________________________ This is a team based map, that works great on any game variant including infection. It took about 2-3 weeks to construct and I tested every possible game variant on it with full teams. While the layout is basically symmetrical, the two trains are set up different. For two reasons, one because I ran out of key pieces, and two so the level appears original and plays out to the theme. The center catwalk separates Train Lines A and B, underneath are opposing bunkers built for BR sniping. There are two team starting points planted on catwalks on opposing sides of the map. Each train is equipped with one sniper rifle; re-spawn time set for 3 minutes. There are two trucks on opposing sides that hold a single Spartan Laser, each team should use them sparingly as they will not re-spawn ever. There are a few vehicles placed on the map. They are placed purely for cosmetic reasons, however should you choose to use them you will use them at your own risk. They ill not re-spawn if you destroy them. I might add that all weapons on the map are balanced and shared equally on both ends. As I said before, this map was created for use in all game variants. My favorite variant on it is Assault, because it plays out to the theme of the map because the bombs must be planted in the enemy team's train's cockpit. This creates a more detailed scenario behind the basic generic Assault maps. But, it does play great on everything like CTF, Oddball, KoTH, etc. _________________________________ (Weapons, equipment, and vehicles) Quantity and Spawn times. Spike Grenades - (x8) - 30 Seconds Plasma Grenades - (x16) - 30 Seconds Power Drain - (x2) - 60 Seconds Bubble Shield - (x2) - 30 Seconds Warthog - (x1) - Does not re-Spawn Mongoose - (x6) - They do not re-spawn Spartan Laser (x2) - They do not re-spawn Sniper Rifle (x2) - 3 Minutes Shotgun (x4) - 3 Minutes SMG - (x4) - 10 Seconds Magnums - (x4) - 10 Seconds Battle Rifles - (x8) - 30 Seconds ____________________________ Here is a brief list of some of my other maps and few map from a few of my fellow forgers, if you like this map then you will definitely enjoy what else we have to offer. My Maps Divine Wind - Photos: Overview, Base A (exterior), Base A (interior), Corner House A, Base B (exterior), Base B (interior), Corner House B, Pillbox, Center Tower, Boarhead Towers, Back Alley, CMT (Custom Map Tournaments) logo B@st@rd C@stle Kill House II Narroughs - Third Bridge Pic LE610N's Maps Se7enth Column High Treason Aspire 4RUNNER Fleabus 7's Maps Lost Echo Raven System7 Patchwork Zombie's Maps Rampancy
This is very creative! Great idea, assault sounds fun on this map. I like that you used interlocking but didn't interlock unnecessary things. Very nice aesthetics, I hope it plays as good as it looks =)
this looks like a really goo layout... add more jheighth and interlock and geo merge this is really good and it would be worth the extra time it would take to make this right nice job tho... weapons and such seem good.... add like a sniper stand then it will be good
you can't get more interlocked than than this, and nothing needs to be geo-merged. Im not really sure what you are talking about.
Looks pretty fun, the gamplay doesnt look that good, but it could be fun. I think the interlocking is great and the walls are pretty cool. Its a unique idea though. Lets see what the map reveiwer says. Map Reveiwer: Overall: 3/5 Aesthetics: 3/5 Gamplay: 3/5 Interlocking:5/5 Test Score: ehh you did fair
First off this is perfect for whatever the hell you want to play. And i like that. Great idea of a map. Needs some fixing up but overall its pretty good.
I don't understand, what needs fixing? All the wall pieces are straight, and you can play any game variant on it. The gameplay is great if you have balanced teams, so whats the problem? Also, you shouldn't review a map if you haven't played it, it's just not ethical. I actually take the time to play maps before I review them, and you call that a review, that's terrible, its not descriptive and it doesn't explain what you've reviewed. you want to see a real review, then check this out it is one of mine, Se7enth Column - by LEG10N Author's Description - Unlimited Possibilities..... Game Variants - All Pros -Beautifully crafted -Original theme -Intuitive design -Balanced weapons and spawn points -Lot's of elbow room -Versatility, it plays well on everything -Great for Free for All Cons -Small arena, occasional spawn killing -Power weapons respawn a little too often My Opinion - Compared to his other maps, LEG10N's Se7enth Column is a bit more subtle. But, subtly should not be confused with simplicity. Se7enth Column looks amazing. Insane use of interlocking and perfect geometry create a seven sided circular arena in the shape of Bungie's logo the Se7enth Column, hence the name of the map. The gameplay is tight. I played it on several different game variants and they all played particularly well with balanced team numbers. Weapon placement is fair and grenades of all types are plentiful. There is plenty of space to engage in close to long range combat. On the downside, it is a smaller map and with greater numbers spawn killing occurs more often. Also, some of the power weapons (Rocket Launcher, Shotgun, Sniper Rifles, etc.) spawn a little too quickly. In retrospect, this is a wonderful tribute to Bungie, and I can can only hope that they return the favor and pay tribute to LEG10N. Se7enth Column is worthy of Bungie Favorites, so download and rate this map 5/5. Gameplay - 9.5 Balancing - 9.5 Originality - 10 Neatness - 10 Overall - 9.7
It says I have 300 something views, yet my downloads haven't gone up at all? Is it just me or is something wrong with Bnet these past few days?
My links go to Forgehub posts so other people can examine my maps before they download it. The download link are on those threads and they will take you directly to BNet.
wassup Din, found you on here. This map looks very cool! Very original idea and looks to be alot of fun to paly on.
Thanks Paranoia, I like to do theme maps and I do well with aesthetics. This actually, is one of my older maps that resurfaced, you should see my new one Darkwater.