Before I start I would like to say this is NOT A WHINEY POST. Anyway getting on to the topic. In recent Website Updates, bungie stated a few things that have not appeared in the actual update. The two most exciting things that got me hyped up. 1: The EXP reset. Because After hearing about the update and this EXP reset, I thought it would be fun to play alot a social as it wouldnt effect my Trueskill Number in the long term. I was pretty angry to find that there were no EXP reset and the individual Playlist EXP counts towards Total EXP. Now I wouldnt mind if after Force Colonel you would turn into Brigadier because of your EXP. But that sadly isnt the case. I guess I will have to win more and more and more games now. 2: Achieving a skill level that goes over 50 If you read the Bungie weekly updates, On one of the posts they showed a number of pictures of being able to achieve a rank of 200. After the Update, There has been no proof of anyone going over 50. This was the most exciting part of the update. 3: The new ranks. Bungie also stated in the same update that we would be getting new ranks. But again there has been no proof of anyone getting a new rank nor is it on the stats page. Now, Some of you may say "WTF MADDFLASH U R N00B". But if you go and read the last few bungie updates, Excluding those totally ridicoulous ones "SERVICES WILL RESUME" & "PARDON OUR DUST" You are surely to come across these saying too. Thanks for reading. STILL ENJOYING THE UPDATE THOUGH ;D
Well around november. It says on the forums. But also, All the maps are ready and finished. A estimated price of the maps is 1,600 M$ Points
You're getting ahead of yourself. All these take time to prove. Some people may get to those ranks quickly but that's impposible if I'm not the only one going against Genaral after Genaral.
I have not seem anything about new ranks, Bungie said the pictures for the ranks would get a facelift. Where did you get half of your info?
Exp Reset: : Inside Bungie : News "You will now have a separate military rating (based purely on EXP) in each playlist. When TU2 goes live, everyone will begin at 0 EXP. This means that being a General in a Playlist is based on how many games you’ve won in the Playlist, not based on the Trueskill number next to your name." New Ranks: Actually, My mistake the ranks are just colour coded when you start to reach major Getting over 50: