Stubbs the Zombie

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by The Hudacris, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    So I found $20.00 on a curb when walking into a doctors office and I wanted to buy Microsoft Points with it. I didnt know what to buy so I thought I would buy a game I've always wanted to try. Stubbs the Zombie in: Rebel without a pulse. The game is about a zombie who basically is just going around eating peoples brains turning them into zombies and you get to be the zombie. Its actually a fun game and was made by former members of Bungie (Yes the Halo Bungie.) It is found on the Xbox Originals if anybody is interested and is some info about the game: IGN Advertisement

    Also in the interest of me being bored as always I looked around and found this news that was actually from January.

    (Sorry about the longness of the link, I forgot how to do the text.)
    #1 The Hudacris, Sep 22, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2008
  2. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    holy sh*t you are a lucky mofo i mean the most i ever found on the ground was $1:(
  3. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    So, the first thing you think about when you find $20.00 is: "Yes! Now I can eat people's brains!" Lol.

    Never heard of the game, is it fun? How old is the game? New?

    EDIT: I found this in the IGN article:
    Top 10 Tuesday: Games with Zombies - August 22, 2006
    Features: Nothing can stop the undead... except the pause button.
  4. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    The game is from 2005 and is fun. Although I would only play maybe 2 hours of it at a time then go to something else for a while or else it gets repetitve. Its also quite gory as well.
  5. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    lucky B**tard! i need 20 dollars, i wanna get new songs for GH:3 and maybe new maps. cuz ive been hearing rumors about new ones comming out this week, even if they dont its good to have em.
  6. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    I really should've made a seperate thread for the $20. Or just left it out of the story.

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