I like the whiteness and I like how you can barely see everything else. Good effects and also nice job getting him with he sniper in his hands
Position is weird. Looks a bit basic from what I see, you could change his weapon and try getting his position a bit better. Else from that, nice screenie.
IDK, you probalby could have, no, you definitely could have come up with a better name. Other than that the whiteness was not pulled of was well as it could have been. Also there is nothing special about this pic. So overall 5/10
Ok, a better name fair enough, but I couldn't think of one. Fiar enough it is basic, but it wasn't staged! I didn't have another weapon out did I? NO, I didn't IT WAS NOT STAGED! Really, I've never seen one like this before... and thanks anyway.
That's pretty cool. I like how the katana kind of fades ans so does the br, I like the white background too. Nice job, I like your screenshots.
Its a very basic effect and not a very good name .. But its okay i guess .. Next time try a more complex effect and a better name!
Fine... I'll stage all of my screens from now on, since NO ONE seems to listen to me when I say IT... WAS... NOT... STAGED!!!
Ok, fair enough then. But it still annoys me when people say, you should've chosen a different armour.