Industries V2 Industries A Recreation of the Original Foundry, the map that started it all... Updated Version DOWNLOAD UPDATED INDUSTRIES New Version 01/05/09 ** Some spawn points were arguably pointing too close to objects, adjustments made if needed. ** 2 spawn points in A side base were moved to A side room. ** A side bubble shield moved to back of A side room. ** Crate added in back of B Side near sniper. ** 4th Hill added at back Rocket Area for King of the Hill. 9/23/08 Bungie will give us 4 newly named maps with small tweaks and minor changes to 4 current maps. Some of these changes will be very small, and others more dramatic, in terms of how game play will evolve on these maps. In wake of the up coming events happening today with Bungie and Halo 3, 9/23/08, I give you Industries... Industries is a recreation of Foundry, ForgeHub style. Its merged, its clean, its new, and its sexy. I gave Foundry the V2 it always needed and deserved. By ForgeHub standards the original layout of Foundry lacks a lot of style. What I did was try to keep it as close to the original and recognizable as possible and also give it a few tweaks of my own. Oh... and also give it an epic face lift. Industries What have I done... I started with the original Foundry Map, not a canvas. I slowly started in one area and worked around. I wanted it to have a uniform look. I stayed with using walls to cover the ends of boxes and double boxes. The walls are merged with the boxes. It adds to the over all look and minimized nads getting stuck between them. Weapons and spawn points where not touched with maybe the exception of 6 things, all being that they where moved less than a foot. The grav lift has been removed and 2 plasma nads put in its place. The lift was no longer needed due to more crates being added to get to higher ground, the new rocket area and higher areas being now unreachable. The rocket area has been redone along with some changes in both bases. I wanted to give it an epic look so I stretched the map higher visually and it did the job. It has a Tension feel to it. I only used crates in place of dumpsters and wire spoils to keep the uniform look I wanted. Im a fan of crates, I like the look and also like they add change and randomness to a map. The Original Foundry Walls, Double Walls, Boxes, and Double Boxes Bungie used a lot of walls and double walls to cover the ends of boxes and double boxes. Its done in some areas and in my mind its a better look... but they didnt do it enough. Merging and Geomerging in the Original Foundry Layout??? Thats right, it was there all along... the wall corner on the double boxes near the truck is merged into the double boxes it rests on. Its merged ever so slightly, probably so nads could not be tossed under the wall. The open box directly behind the "A sign" is again, ever so slightly geomerged into the wall. Pretty cool stuff that most probably dont know. Some Pics of the Original Foundry DOWNLOAD UPDATED INDUSTRIES Thanks for Reading Epilogue and Boundless are recreations if you will of Epitaph and Snowbound. These two maps of the four being released today, 9/23/08, having the most noticeable changes. So here is Industries, the recreation of Foundry. I hope you all enjoy. DOWNLOAD UPDATED INDUSTRIES Link to my other map Tension
Oh wow, I am loving that...It actually looks like it might be fun to play, and looks good as well! It looks like you've changed the layout quite substantially while still keeping things the same... 10/10 for confusing me. Love it.
.....I like it.... I really like it! And here I thought the base foundry was doomed to being hated.... secretly downloads anyway.... Thanks for not calling it foundry v2.
Most people say "game play is everything, if it has good game play it doesn't matter about the aesthetics" this is were they are wrong you turned a default map completely lacking in aesthetics in to a map full of aesthetics. 9.7/10
nice job fixing up Foundry! It's very smooth and neat. you really know what you're doing with interlocking and stuff. my interlocking isnt as good as that! at least not yet... i love this map. 5/5. if only i could delete Default Foundry... and then replace it with this... lol
Wow looks really good, I'd love to see it make it into the playlist rotation. Oh and congrats on the termination of your life, I mean marriage. Lol jk
THIS IS AWESOME! Foundry looks a million times better =) Great job, great aesthetics. This should b3 in matchmaking!
WOW! that is so sick man major props. it looks so cool i especially like the back part with the ramp dude thats sweet. 10/10 i love you for not calling it foundry v2
Thank you. For giving us a great new and fresh Foundry map. This map is absolutely flawless. The Geo Merging is amazingly clean aswell as the Interlocking, and as some floating I see in the map. It's great how you even have gown in detail, and changed some weapons, and even equipment, as well as some small layout tweaks and some moveable objects. The Rocket Box is something you've modded very nicely and smooth, I see you used alot of Fences to clean things up, and those Fence Boxes show some nice aesthetic quality on the map. I also love how you have put Walls, and Double Walls at almost every single end of Single Boxes, and Double Boxes. Some small thing that still annoys me for some reason, is that there is an open Double Box at the A and B signs, I don't know if you did this on purpose because of lack of normal Double Boxes, or is this something that just is this way, and it's this way you wanted?
This seems boring at first but after looking at it, I would definitly replace the original with this. The walls being higher, the slanted box behind the rocket spawn, and the fenceboxes on top, this looks way better than the first. You had a pretty cool idea here but I wish you would have interlocked the open boxes on top of othrboxes just a little so that there is no bump when you enter them. That is my only problem with this map. Great job.
Very nice map. It is original, very clean, and just plain old fun-looking. I must say that the double boxes that form a nice smooth ramp are good. All of your bridges seem to be equal and also smooth. So good job. Still if there is to be a v2 i would suggest 1 or 2 things. One add some more athetics*, maybe some more cover or structure to some parts. Second would be a gametype of some sort in your own way that has just a bit of original foundry to it. Very good map.
Hopefully they replace the default Foundry with this, it looks a lot better. At least now you don't need a grav lift to get in through the back of rockets.
wait, so bungie new about interlocking and geomerging all along? is that another way they are going to take over the world, start small then forgehub and next the world. lol jk looks really clean. i gues this is what the superintendent means by that. 4/5 but there is nothing really new here so i hope you are satisfied with a 3.7/5
Looks G-R-E-A-T! Everything in this map is absolutly amazing. The geomerging and interlocking is to perfection and everything you did to change about foundry fits great. Nice work.
Now you see, THIS is what the default of foundry shouldve looked like. Im glad you did this, because ill never play on regular foundry again. Plus rep for you.
Wow i actually like this map. I love your idea to start from actual foundry and keep the same idea as it. Im gonna Dl right now and see what its like up front.
As one of the few people who likes getting Foundry in matchmaking, all i can say to this map is "awesome" ill definetly download it you just made one of mah favorite maps more awesome than ever. Awesome interlocking and well made.
It is. its funny, bungie used the walls like i said to cover the sides of boxes which I liked because I HATE the sides of boxes. Theyre so ugly, but... I dont mind open ones. So I went with the open one and it also adds something new. Thanks for the great review. I figured that would be the number 1 complaint. They dont bother me really a lot like they do others, I think Im just use to it from MM. Thanks for the reply. Some may have wished for more changes but I wanted to keep it more the same than a total change up. Its still NOT budget glitched too. Thats cool.