so my FMGC map, as most of you have in some form or another im sure, is what i use to make all maps now, its my canvas. but after i began working on my latest map, i took a break to go play rocket race. when i came back to forge a bit more before hittin the sack i immediately noticed that my budget was off. not only did it no longer say $0 anymore, but also i couldnt place nearly 70% of the objects. this is strange because i couldnt place any single boxes despite not placing a single one on my map yet. Also, there were things that costed $6 and $2 that i could not place despite having $11 showing in budget. however i could place some objects. but this is just the beginning. My map had already used all 8 fence boxes, yet my budget said they were available. however, when i tried to make another one it said "not enough room to create" or whatever..and this is on a almost bare map in the middle of foundry. also, i noticed that after i placed a truck, i lost basically every item from my budget. so lost, i have no idea what happened...i never deleted any objects so it doesnt make any sense. its really aggravating cause i had already finished ALOT of interlocking that took me about 3 hours to get just right. does anyone have any insight for me?
Never happened to me, though I have a friend who just yesterday was asking for help with a very similar problem. He got frustrated and got off to play COD4 though so I never got to see the problem. I'll reply back if I find out anything.
Have you had another look at it since then? I had some really strange things happening to me in Forge one day, but it worked fine after turning my 360 off and back on.
first off i appreciate the responses guys. and i have a new lead. its a problem with the run-time maximum on ALOT of objects. When i first load up the map to work on it and enter the game, many items have the same "run time maximum #" and "placed on map #". but the weird thing is is it wont let me change them back up to their normal "maximum allowed #." Edit: I now believe i have solved the riddle. no thanks to any of you (just kiddin). Once fist loading and entering the map, i have 11 dollars (for some odd reason, i had been at 0 for so long). the fist thing to do is scroll to the first item which you have "lost". for instance, i went to scenery, naturally, the the first "lost" item i had was the single box. by lost i mean the run-time maximum = item placed on map #. i could then spend my 11 dollars to change the run time maximum from 1 (where it currently stood, as i had 1 placed on the map) up to 3. its up to 3 because they cost $4 each and i only had $11. Here's the trick: do not place any items. only do this short process, then save changes, and quit. once back in the lobby, load up the map again and you will have $11 dollars still. So go back to the single box, for example, and continue to raise the run-time maximum # up 2 at a time. saving and quitting immediately after. its going to take A LONG time, but if you are dedicated like me and don't want to just abandon a great map in the making this seems to be the only way to resolve the issue. Hopefully none of you have had to go through this so far and hopefully none of you will have to ever. But at least there is a solution, even though its tedious. Also, if anyone gets in this situation and discovers a quicker way to fix this, please by all means share. EDIT: Short man's version: 1. Load map. 2. Go to editor mode. 3. Scroll to desired object. 4. Hit X. 5. Raise the run-time maximum # as high as it lets you. 6. Hit B. 7. Hit B. 8. Save changes. 9. Quit. 10. Repeat. 11. Repeat. 12. Repeat 13. Repeat. 14. Repeat. 15. You get the picture Note: Never place any items on the map during this process, if you by accident hit A and place the object, i would just quit without saving right then and just start it over.
okay, a tip for using the FMGC. Don't have anyone in the room with you while you're forging. This greatly reduces lag so the run times don't get messed up. I have also had problems with run times changing down on their own
Yeh im pretty sure that was the X factor that created the run time maximum problem. When i went back the 2nd time, i had a guest with me. should have known better, thanks for the reply. It took a little over an hour to fix, and i didnt even do it the whole way. for instance, i knew i wasnt goin to need 32 fusion coils, so i stopped when i got to 15 (which is still more than id ever use) the worst ones were the items that costed $6. since i only had $11 in budget, i could only raise the maximum 1 at a time before saving and quitting. it was tedious, but once i got the hang of it i actually did it all fairly quickly. got in the rhythm and could basically keep repeating the process with one hand on the controller barely looking at the screen while eating a pizza with the other hand haha