The Ring

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mearm, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    The Ring

    Map made by Mearm. 6-12 players. Use with any gametype.
    First let me tell you where I got the idea for this map from. I got this idea from Halo CE actually. I based this map on the section of the level "Assault on the Control room", where you're in the mountain and you go through rooms to get to the surface. There was a couple of rooms that looked circular and had 4 entrences around the inner area. Also, There was one of these rooms that had a big box-like area in the middle.
    Weapons on the map include:
    2 assault rifles, 2 battle rifles, a sniper, a magnum, 2 SMGs, 2 spikers, 2 plasma pistols, 2 plasma rifles, 2 needlers, a brute shot, 2 carbines and 2 maulers.
    Equipment on the map includes:
    6 frags, 4 plasma grenades, a bubble shield, a power drain, a trip mine, a regenerator and a deployable cover.
    There are 2 sections in this map, an inner ring, and an outer ring. This particular shot is of the inner ring. There is a box room in the middle that houses the shotgun and on top is the sniper. This room is impossible to camp but that will be shown later. There are window panels that spawn in 30 seconds in here but they aren't showing right now.
    This is one section of the ring, in particular, the Attacker's base. I have 4 pictures of the outer ring because it is so big it needs that many shots. The design of the map is symmetrical but the playing field is assymetrical.
    And this is the defender's base. They look very similar but they have different ways to get up on the second floor. This map is made so that you have to use long range combat in the outer ring and CQB combat in the inner ring.
    This is the 3rd picture of the outer ring, which is showing most of the side passage to each base. The map is made so that you can go from the first floor to the second in many areas, so you want to get the high ground most of the time, as it can be very useful if you like long range combat. The bad part about the circular design of the map is that you can't see around corners, making it very difficult to snipe.
    This is the last of the outer ring shots, showing the other side of the outer ring. Again, there is an advantage to getting the high ground on this section as it gives you a sniping advantage. Now for the action shots.
    He went for the brute shot. He was unsucessful.
    Now showing that camping in the center room is a VERY bad idea. See I told you I would get to that.
    Almost got him. Curse these ring designs.
    Again the ring design's fault. At least I won this battle.
    He took cover. What to do now? Keep shooting, hope you hit him.
    Shotgun vs. Maulers. Who will win?

    The map was made entirely by me, I didn't have any help. I know it may look kind of sloppy, but I was out of supplies, and some of it was made to be cover. This is my 4th post so comments/suggestions are appreciated. Thanks to Parune for making the pictures with me.

    (I am the one in steel and gold armor, Parune is the one in green and

    Here is a link to the map:
    #1 Mearm, Sep 19, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  2. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    This looks really good...use a foundry designer maybe i no there hard to work w/ but they help or even draw ur own... looks nice interlocking looks good... layout from what i can tell is good weapons fit... everything is good but a layout pic.... um i like the fence walls so u can shot through... and its a 4/5 nice job continue forging i want to see more maps from u...OHH ya nice nice nice job on the round rings i no it takes time... but u did good
  3. The Boris Way

    The Boris Way Ancient
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    Nice map, I helped with the explosives, and you didn't credit me, angry face.
    Nice map anyways, 5/5.
  4. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    Yea sorry about that. Parune made the pockets with explosives on the side of the rings.
  5. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Nice map, but it looks boring. I mean, it's only in a circle right? And then you have the center. Nice idea, but I don't think the gameplay would run well on this map. Also, the center looks like there is only one way in. This is VERY bad. Why? Campers can enter, but no one can maneuver, and kill them. As for the map itself, it's messed up in some places, but good enough to keep the gameplay going. Nice to see fusion coils being put to use also. 2/5
  6. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    If you download the map and try it out, you'll see that it actually has many different ways on different floors to get in and out of the middle. And the middle base is very hard to camp like I said in the post.
    EDIT:By the way, there are actually 4 entrances to the middle area, you just can't see any of them except for one.
    #6 Mearm, Sep 19, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2008
  7. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I love that circular room, I hope this plays as good as it looks =) Good job on the interlocking, I would like to see more pictures!
    You cant tell that there are four entrances to the circular room from the pictures you have...\

    EDIT: the pictures you have are all close-ups, you should take some pictures from further out...
    #7 crazyzebu, Sep 22, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2008
  8. oO KoALa Oo 671

    oO KoALa Oo 671 Ancient
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    pretty awsome !!! how do u make maps so nice ??? U GOT MY D-L
  9. darth bane97

    darth bane97 Ancient
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    Hey I'm the guy that got blown up and was getting blown at Mearm.
  10. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    What are you talking about? Parune and I were the only ones making these pictures.
  11. XED360X

    XED360X Ancient
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    Looks great - Sounds great - i like the interlocking - good size - good shapes - neat - good vary of tings - the only problem is that i cannot realy tell if i want to download it or not because the pictures dont make it clear for me
  12. xKingSasquatch7

    xKingSasquatch7 Ancient
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    this map is ausome. The interlocking is good but not the best. So good job
  13. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    this map is pretty frickin awesome. The aesthetics are just short of perfect the gameplay sounds/looks well tested. The layout is very unique. I do see what frag man is trying to say tho. The circle thing just seems kinda narrow and with little ledges and something above to bump ur head on the top will be pretty dominatory. The reason this didn't prevent me from downloading is because the game can still flow without the use of the room. you can simply avoid going in as much. Its kinda like top mid on guardian. Snipetower powns top mid so few people blatently walk across.
  14. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    It's strange, because I didn't think this map would be that good at all, seeing as I ran out of most of the supplies, but it got better reviews than I thought it would. Thanks for the comments.
  15. fatalityz

    fatalityz Ancient
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    i only did a forge through

    the good: platforms and aesthetics
    -layout is really good, great jumps and good cover, alot of short range

    the bad: weapon set seems more casual
    -breakable in a few spots, found atleast 1 that you can easily do ingame
    edit: went back and looked at spawns, some of them start u looking at walls and stuff, or u run for 1 second and u'll be in a confusing spot
  16. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Sorry for my lack of understanding, but I can never download anything. My xbox broke. Been gone for 4 months.

    As for the map, I take back what I said. From the description you gave me, it cleans up to 3/5.
  17. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    pretty nice map, good use of interlocking, high and low ground
    its kinda hard to tell how the maps flows, mabey some more pics of overviews, might get better pics is you delete the outer wall and take pics like that

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