Ok, well yesterday i found this really awesome site that lets you create your own Xbox Gamercards the website is Design and create your own unique custom gamercard! - Gamercard Designer , You have to register and then validate your gamercard and then you can use it but i figured i would make a thread for people to post what they have made with it.... You also have to register and validate your gamertag to use any of them but it doesnt take that long Creations by XKG x Oblivion: Far Cry 2 Halo 3
I would try it out, but I'm much too lazy. The one I have now works for me anyway, maybe in the future I will try it out.
Its not really that hard to use... all you have to do is make the background then click what you want to add
Agreed, these take too long to load. I'm sure if you want them to load faster, you should save the image to your desktop, then load them onto a image hosting website. Why it takes so long is because it has to load data from the website it's made from, then load them onto ForgeHub.