Is anyone else disappointed by the new achievements? I mean they're all pathetically easy and basically just a reason for Bungie to get you to buy the legendary maps.
Ye they are but dosen't Bungie deserve that money to keep makeing awsim(<-- misspeled on pupose) games?? And the legendary maps are well done maps too not as some 9-year old said on the forums .... So i think that the achivments are kinda nice. My personal favorite is Vidmaster Challenge: 7 on 7 ^^ And just because all the achivments are on the legendary maps are also because no one is playing the DLC playlists any more as they will try to fix in the new update by makeing new playlists.
The achievements are free so what the hell are you complaining about? When someone gives you something free do you take it?
I think he's complaining about the legendary map pack cost... most of new achievement require this pack...
There are SO many more achievements than we are currently aware of. I have seen some of them and they aren't pushovers.
i havent even checked cuz i havent been on for 4 days. im gonna try to check today if i can. EDIT:i havent seen anything about it. i went to look at my acheivements and there were none. do you have to download em, or do you have to get one of the achievements to look to see what they all are?
Ok so the Update has not been released yet so what the list of achievements is out. What I am not allowed to complain about something that I feel Bungie is taking advantage of. They are just cranking out easy achievements so that GS whores will go buy the new maps which are overpriced because 200 points a map is not worth it especially when half of them are remakes. So maybe instead of me not complaining you should get off Bungie's **** and realize that they are taking advantage of you though I'm sure judging by your logic you are 12 anyways and you have no concept of value because your mommy bought you the Legendary Map Pack.
I think that it doesn't matter as long as they are achievements. I don't care about acheivements sometimes. I just play the game and get them as I go along.
It's not that I don't have $10 it is that I would rather spend that $10 towards something else rather than 3 mediocre Halo maps. Like I said, you just don't have a concept of value. You would just buy any content Bungie released no matter how overpriced it was.
I just read a few of them and they were all like get a double kill, get a melee kill with an oddball, get a splatter spree, etc. on the legendary maps. It's especially lame because even though they aren't that hard people can still boost for them because you can do them in social playlists.
Let me get this straight: you call people who go after achievements "GS whores" and yet this whole thread is about the new achievements and how disappointing you think they are? You have unwittingly just called yourself a *****, dude. LOL BTW-I'm not even close to twelve.
My only concern is the ones that require Mythic Maps, when we have yet obtain them... and now I am sorry to think that Mythic won't be out for some time...
I think his problem is that they aren't imaginative or very fun to get. Just to look at another game, The Orange Box has some achievemnets that are fun to get and some are just wacky.
Keep in mind that they have not released all of the achievements yet. What's not imaginative or fun about dropping a tank on someone? And adding an achievement to the Campaign is a cool way to get people back into playing it, especially together. But maybe I'm sucking Bungie's **** a little too much, like A Silent Emu pointed out.