Debate Religion-Heaven Vs. Hell-(Christian Views)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Metroshell, Sep 20, 2008.

  1. Metroshell

    Metroshell Ancient
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    I am in 9th grade and have confirmation at my church every Wednesday. Lately, the pastor has been talking about that since some religions don't believe in Jesus, they will go to Hell. In my opinion, that is sort of arrogant. I would like to know what the other religions say about who goes to hell for not having their beliefs (e.g. Muslims, Jews...). The basic point of this debate is, if I'm on the right track...

    "How do the Christians have so much confidence in who is going to hell and who isn't? Are they the right religion? (IDK) Do other religions have this much confidence or is it just my religion/church?"

    I apologize if religion threads are not allowed in the debates because they are solely based on beliefs and emotions.
  2. youngian

    youngian Guest

    im a Christian .
    i believe in god and jesus.
    but i believe if you follow your religion truthfully and honestly than you will have a place in heaven. because who can say for certain there religion is right? i believe Christianity is the right religion but say if your a muslim and you follow the rules of the koran i believe you will get into heaven.(i don't know much about islam sorry)
  3. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Not what the book says

    Your really having to make mental contortions to justify this. A part of you sees that it would not be right for all people, born in different parts of the world, with different incomes, and different churches.....for all of them to go to hell simply because they did not follow Jesus. That is the good, logical side of you trying to make sense of the world while a part of you hangs on to an ancient tradition.

    By the way.....the bible disagrees with you:

  4. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    I believe that any kind, benevolent God would not send people to eternal damnation simply because they were brought up with different traditions. If they followed their religion, or at least tried to live as a good person, a loving God would probably allow them to enter heaven.
  5. Reflection

    Reflection Ancient
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    Or maybe, just maybe, good Christians will achieve Nirvana.
  6. Link Gray

    Link Gray Ancient
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    From what I understand, you are saved by faith in Jesus Christ. If you do not believe that Jesus Christ is truly the Christ and Son Of God, you can not be saved.

    John 3:16
    "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

    People have had SO long to accept Christ into their life, there is no excuse. God loves us and wants us to be saved, and that is why he gave us a way to be saved.
    We are sinners from the very beginning, we do not deserve to be saved at all. We deserve the exact opposite. But Christ died in our place, so that we may be saved. I will say it again, there is no excuse. You can't follow your own religion and expect to go to Heaven.

    Jesus said,
    "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)
  7. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    So if you aren't lucky enough to have been raised in an environment where christianity is accessible to you won't go to heaven? Millions of people will burn in hell for eternity for being born in the family, town or continent?

    Man, God is a bit of a **** isn't he? I have chosen to believe religion is an immense collection of lies, bullshit and laughable stupidity so if I do end up in hell then dang that's a bummer but fair enough its my own fault. To end up in hell for not following a religion I had no means of understanding or becoming aware of though, I'd be rather annoyed to be perfectly honest.

    "What? Endless pain and suffering? What the **** God, why didn't you send a bible over to Antarctica? I've never even heard of you until now. I would have happily gone to a triangular building once a week to avoid this place!"
  8. Link Gray

    Link Gray Ancient
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    If you've never heard of Christ than you go to Heaven. God is a just judge, and sends people to Hell justly.
  9. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    ten commandments, thou shalt not harbor any false gods, or something like that. whos to say, i could worship my dog and expect to go to heaven for it. i would be very wrong. my question to you is, if you kill inosent civilians, and yourself, so that you can go to paradise and have like 50 virgins, does this deserve to bring you to heaven? and think about all those people who would not be going there because you stopped there chances or opportunities by killing them. its selfish at the very core of it, not saying there arent some kind muslums. its false religion. by grace through faith, you will know, and be saved.
  10. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    Man honestly this is what the Bible says and this is God's Word right here!!!!!!! If you're a believer and follower, a Christian for God Almighty your Creator, man all God asks is that you accept Him as your God and your Lord, over your very life and soul! If you believe in the Bible well it talks about a thief that was crucified next to Jesus on the cross. While they were on it, painfully, slowly dieing physically, the thief confessed his life of sins and repented in His heart to Jesus, to God! Although he was at the end of his life, not a missionary, not someone that had devoted their life, their job, their money or anything for God, yet Jesus still says to him... "Today you shall live with me in paradise forever" Man you know what that says if you believe it? It says God is so merciful and so loving and so perfect that he loves us sinners to the extent that He would even forgive us and love us and treat us as his sons, and even go to heaven! "For we have all come short of the Glory Of God!" That's what the Bible says!!! And man if you believe it, man please just get into the Bible, God's Word and embrace it, and just keep your relationship with God strong if you believe in Him and follow Him as His Christian, His servant, although a sinner. Just talk to me if you just want to talk about whatever! But keep in touch with God in prayer and remember (if you believe it) the Bible says God is Almighty, All-Powerful, and you know God's always with you, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews 10:5-6) And God can always hear you talk to Him, in your mind, out loud, you know God is that Great, He'll listen anytime you pray anywhere anything you think or say or do God knows it and can't hide from Him! So man if you believe it please just embrace it as a Christian, a believer and follower of Our Perfect Creator!
  11. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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  12. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Double Evangelism

  13. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    As a Christian, I feel that it's a necessity to believe that my chosen path is the only way to heaven. I believe that this Unitarianism stuff is just something people say to satisfy everyone. Personally, I'm not in the business of making everyone happy. That's not Christianity. Sure, it's not easy to get someone to agree with you if you open with, "Yeah, this life I've chosen is pretty freakin' tough."

    The fact is, though, that it's not all bells and whistles. My Bible says that I can only get to the Father through Jesus Christ. That's not a typo for Allah or Joseph Smith; that's an unmistakeably direct statement.

    Now, that's just a Bible-based opinion of why Christians are/should be so confident that our way is the only way. This doesn't mean that any Christian is perfect. It only means that we accept the fact that we are everything but perfect, and have chosen to seek a healed relationship with our Creator.

    I'm sure I said some crap that could be misunderstood. Anything that didn't come out clearly is open for discussion.
  14. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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  15. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    The Koran and Muslims practice peace. It is a peaceful religion. The main problem is extremist fundamentalists who have given it a bad rep. However, that's basically like saying Christianity is a terrible religion because many KKK members were of Christian faith. They are a minority of the religion, and, although they say that they are upholding the laws of their religion, they are really violating their most basic principles. The Islamic faith, however, says not to kill as specifically as the Christian faith does. So next time, please bother to look up some facts rather than regurgitating some bigoted bilge you heard.
  16. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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  17. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    How much about the KKK do you really know about? I mean Personally compare extremest and normal people of the same faith differ greatly...
    Second where does it say "The Islamic faith, however, says not to kill as specifically as the Christian faith does...." I feel that you need have some quotes or proof of a statement because even Muslims believe they have the one and only path to heaven... Want to know why I know this? Its because both factor from Judaism which if you ever have the chance to read cover to cover the old testament they constantly talk about a salvation the lord will bring... NOW there was a split over what ever amount of time where Muslims think its someone, and Christians thinking its someone... Now I am trying to point out that Its very personal for me to say I am Christian. I say this because, unlike religions where its just following a path on the road Christianity is all faith... By no a single means is it about cans and can nots... I mean from what I read all logical reasons you put forth show you don't like Christianity for the simple rules... I mean lets just look at the direct difference of the Muslim belief and Christianity.

    Now I do not by any means hate Muslims this is just my take on things. If you ever noticed, Christianity was based of of Peace... Look at the example of Christ... I don't know about you but being Crucified isn't such a nice action. And the people following the faith at that time challenged Rome for them to die instead of give up there faith... Now you could say that is violent...well how can words be violent...? Compare the actions of the Romans to the Christians then... I'll kill you if you don't shut up.. well that's fair. Well as for Heaven and Hell yes I believe that if you don't believe the message you die and go to hell... I'm not telling you to go to hell or anything I think another saying goes quite well with it... the road to hell is bent on good intention....
  18. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    KKK: History class.

    Muslim Actions: As you said, Islam is an Abrahamic religion. All Abrahamic religions believe in some form of the Ten Commandments, which says not to kill. Because of that, Islam holds murder in the same regard as Christianity.

    And... I actually am Christian. I just try to keep an open mind. Plus, I usually try to remain fairly neutral.
  19. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    There are two types of revelation, general and specific. Specific refers to Jesus's ministry as documented in the scriptures, basically the Bible. General revelation refers to God revealing himself through nature, history, conscience, and His providential control of history. General revelation is considered insufficient to produce salvation but it is an anticedent to it. However, people are only accountable once they hear the truth. If an island native has not recieved a Bible or been preached to he is not going to hell for the short-comings of missionaries. However, it has been found many times that natives often worship a god who is similar to God in the Bible before missionaries contact them.

    At least you understand the consequences of you actions. Again for reasons above if the truth has not been presented to you then you are not going to be held accountable for it.

    Now that you know the truth, be less ignorant, you are now responsible for it. One more time, God will only hold accountable those that have heard the Truth. It looks like you don't know much about the attributes of God. Maybe you could crack open a Bible just to be sure you know what you're doing.
  20. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Matter of Opinion.

    No definitive proof beyond "Faith in God."


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