I posted one of these "series" before when i first learned how to use brushes so that people could help me with my style and everything. well now i have PS:CS3, so i wanted to see how i was doing by posting some signatures i have made here. I got all of these pictures from Magic Experience : Magic: The Gathering so that is why i am calling it the magic: the gathering series... anyways, here goes- (Order from latest to newest) 1. 2. 3. 4. UPDATED VERSION: 5. UPDATED VERSION: 6. 7. 8. 9. Advice on anything to change about my style would be nice, or advice on a specific sig.. no matter. anyways, I'l try to update whenever i make a new sig. These sigs are up for grabs if anyone wants me to change the text for their name. *I know i havent been doing much graphic design lately but im back into it.. GFsex may want me? Requests i can probably do. I work mostly with stock images now. Thanks
oh i forgot to say about number 4; it was going to be something else but then i like made it really scary looking and turned the bakground black so reaper could see it better and then i couldnt change it back. il be remaking that first thing though
alright il do one of each. il probably get around to it in a half hour or so when i go to reapers house. till then im out. cya. thansk for the help
1, 3, 4, and 7 are good. 1 and 3 are my favorites. #6 is awful though. I have no idea what its supposed to be, and it really just looks like a mess.
1 is my favorite. I think the text in the others needs a bit of work; it doesn't stand out enough. I think they are all pretty good. 6 is kinda bad though...
yeah i guess you wouldnt get 6 unless you had seen the card. its supposed to be called "time split" or something. it doenst make sense anyways. and your right.. i tried something completely different on that one.. lol and it sucked
thanks, i like the dragon one alot too.. il keep that as my sig until i make one i like better or i actually find an image rotator site UPDATE. Someone said that G&A doesnt count for posting anymore.... is this true? added the "empathy" sig UPDATE 2; added the cloudy warrior sig. number 9. CnC? UPDATE 3; improved two sigs. all updated sigs will now have the "UPDATED VERSION" above them.