This map looks harder than dark cloud and the Sarkathlon-2 combined. The interlocking is delicious and the jumps look unbeatable. I can tell that you are super cereal if you made this. 5/5 for making the sexiest jump map ever. P.S., if anyone recieves a Rubber Ducky/Bobguy13 brand cookie from someone other than Teh Rubbr Ducky or Bobguy13, then it is counterfeit. Only Ducky Farms brand cookies are truly chuck norris. *this has been a message from Ducky Cookies incorporated.
Dude this is a crazy awesome jumping map. Me, polished lake and my brother tested it out. Its really hard but very chalenging and really helps you with your jumping skills
Great map. I completed all of it up to the very last jump and i still can't land it. Very entertaining. 5/5
I loved completing the first jump and then cheating all the rest. (Although the Stair one is like super easy!) But, this map is a lot of fun. (even though I hate it. Now get to work on Terrain... Right now!)
i remember this ;D omg was a horrible couldnt get past the long jump at all (Though i played through the whole lvl, untill the final jump) This is very hard as hell and i got sooo mad over that im going to dl it, so i can try again without any help
omg so much fun but so hard that jump to get to the equipment jump is SO EASY i found one of the 2 other ways to get the radar jammer but i just cant seem to equipment jump so i cant get past that part but everything else was fabulous the stairs part got me alot 5/5
Wow this is a great map not necessarily my bag of cheese.(I really don't know what that means) I like the way you set up the checkpoints i found it to be a very challenging map. you should check out my map Long Road Ahead. If you want a challenge.
Thanks! Hope you can get through it =). And I'll disregard the ducky comment... Thanks =). Yea, the last equipment jump is very difficult. It truly requires exact timing (you throw/jump at the apex precisely). Yea, non-host and host differs when equipment jumping...kinda stinks. Thanks, i hope you can eventually get it! Yea, I'll return to Terrain soon...I just have to make sure it'll be...epic. Oh yeah, i remember you being in the testing party =P. I had to go back to help people... a lot. Good luck = )!
the foundry slant thing is impossible, u can get close, but u cant do it, also how u get to the stairs thing? last thing, ur last map sucked balls, the bounce jump is impossible unless u go to top of map a monitor and then drop. P.S. test ur maps before u post them dumbass.
oh... my... god... its just... beautiful... PERFECT MAP DUDE!!! love it and i gotta say, it helped me alot when it came to trick jumps!! dude thanx!!