
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by KrazyKraka3, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. KrazyKraka3

    KrazyKraka3 Ancient
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    Redemption is a small 2-4 player map playable only in Team Slayer, Team Oddball, Team Capture the Flag (instant flag respawn - 3 second respawn only) and Team King of the Hill games variants. This map features a Double box glitched floor, two slide jump shortcuts to the 2nd floor at bases, and other strategic jumps for shortcuts between both floors of the map. In this new version I have also added a new sniper nest on one of the sides of the map. This is the first map I have made using double boxes as the floor for the map. This map uses basic forging tricks such as merging and interlocking objects. This map has a symmetrical map layout with weapons located at the same spots on both sides of the map. Thanks for all the suggestions.

    Weapons on the map:

    ~1 Snipers (90 second respawn)
    ~1 Shotgun (Spawns in the center 90 second respawn)
    ~8 Battle Rifles (Spread around the edges of the map, just outside the bases 30 second respawn)
    ~4 Plasma Grenades (10 second respawn)

    Equipment on the map:

    ~1 Bubble Shield (On top of shotgun spawn/oddball spawn 20 second respawn)


    Slayer - The best strategy for team slayer would be to try to hold the middle of the map, if you are playing with a partner one player should camp shotgun spawn and bubble shield spawn behind one of the barriers. The other player should guard the shotgun player with the sniper from the battle rifle spawn on the second floor.

    Oddball - The best strategy would be to camp with the oddball by the Sniper nest with a shotgun. Since the bubble shield is unusable in team oddball this is the best place. By the plasma grenades you want to position yourself so that you can see the enemy spawn zone through the bottom of the "A" and "B" signs. The other player on your team should cover you with sniper from the second floor Battle Rifle spawn, or stay behind the barriers at shotgun spawn with either a shotgun, or assault rifle

    King of The Hill - Since the hill is only in the center of the map, and does not move, the best strategy would be to camp it with shotgun and bubble shield. Your partner should be either on the battle rifle spawn on the second floor or on the second floor by your enemies spawn.

    Capture The Flag - The best strategy for this map would be to have one person sit by your flag with a shotgun and the other person rush the enemy flag with the bubble shield. If the flag carrier is being shot at, then deploy the bubble shield and keep running. At the same time have your partner come to cover your retreat to your base and, the enemy that is chasing you will most likely jump in the bubble shield to try to kill you. If the shotgun player is close enough that should be an easy kill.

    Version 2 Changes:

    ~Added more cover throughout the map to make it more playable (Changed due to feedback)
    ~Bubble Shield respawn timer reduced from 60 seconds to 20 seconds
    ~Lowered the run time maximum for battle rifles

    Version 3 Changes:

    ~Revised weapon placement.
    ~Perfectly align the sides with each other.
    ~Added a new sniper nest
    ~New Third floor barrier (Bridges on top of the outer wall will be removed.
    ~The top of the right side jump shortcut on the defender side will be redone.
    ~Revised cover system.

    Note: All of these changes are due to feedback from players or things that I want to change. If you have any suggestions on what i can do to make this a better map, please post them here and I will change the map based on your suggestions.

    Link To Map:

    Other Pictures:


    New Attacking Side


    New Defending Side


    New Side View - note the signs are now perfectly aligned with the center


    The new sniper nest side


    The ramp leading up to the sniper nest.


    The view from the sniper nest.


    The new plasma grenade tunnel. - note now the single box is slightly glitched through the floor so the floor is smoother when you walk through the tunnel, also the single box isn't showing through the bridges on top of it like it was in version 2.


    The new top of the slide jump ramps, the doors are now glitched into each other so you can't get up there.
    #1 KrazyKraka3, Sep 22, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2008
    Gollygeeanelite likes this.
  2. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    why is this a new thread, i've already seen this map.

    i really like it though, amazing interlocking (central area) and fun gameplay!


    After reading through your post again I see that this is a new version. I couldn't tell because it didn't say v3.

    Why havent you fixed that bridge/ramp yet, I see a bump =( Also the sniper window up by the ramp is crooked. It would not be difficult to fix these issues so DO IT!
  3. forgy bob

    forgy bob Ancient
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    This is a great map its nice and semtrical (kinda lol) and looks like it would play great some spots are a lil' sloppy but nothing big 4/5
  4. abcCounter

    abcCounter Ancient
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    Sweet map and Great interlocking You have my download
  5. KrazyKraka3

    KrazyKraka3 Ancient
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    Its under a new thread cuz i`m 2 lazy to go back and find my other thread and add this new stuff 2 it.
  6. K3V1N

    K3V1N Ancient
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    this looks like a great koth map (i hope it is supported lol)
    i will dl for sure your interlocking is really smooth the map looks overall very good

    9/10 for now
  7. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    This map looks amazing.The first pictures almost says it all.I love when people use double boxes to their full advantage! I do see a bump on the bridge by the sniper tower ,but it should not be a problem! Nice work
    desert rat 852 likes this.
  8. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    Very good.. I knew I had seen this before and it was good, still looks like that sniper area should be fixed.
  9. KrazyKraka3

    KrazyKraka3 Ancient
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    thnx for the suggestion, I will fix that for a future update
  10. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Dude, I feel so happy that you used my constructive criticism!!!! I suggested the bridges around the perimeter, so three points to me! It just makes me sad because the ramp to the sniper's nest is a LITTLE sloppy and the walls adjacent to it are too. You should fix that because people don't like that sort of thing. Also, when you make V4, make the A and B signs slightly merger into the open box because it's aesthetically pleasing. But yeah, overall I am starting to like this map, just go through and clean up the stuff that needs cleaning. 4.5/5

    Okay never mind, I thought I mentioned that but that was in fact in my head. I thought you didn't have enough bridges to make a perimeter is what I recall thinking.
  11. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    Nice map and interlocking. personaly, i dont think two snipers would work well with a small map along with a shotgun, i think it would be too over powering, but it could work out with gameplay, i dont know, ill download and check it out. good job though 7/10
  12. movie game

    movie game Ancient
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    very smooth looks like you took time to do it (you most likely did). I dled
  13. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Really nice interlocking and great gameplay! There's a few things that could be cleaned up a bit, but good job! 4.75/5
  14. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
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    Yes the map looks great. It is interlocked to 99% perfection, the only flaw i noticed was that super small bump at the sniper tower, But that isn't that big of a problem! Great job,
  15. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    Excellent map my friend. I love seing trainees posting up to requirements and this map is well beyond good. However it does look like spawn killing is possible due to the limited space and straightforwardness of your map. Oh well great map my friend i do want to see more from you if possible!

    Keep Forging!
  16. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    Great interlocking especially for a first post but there are several flaws thatr stand out in this map. Several things are crooked like the walls and such. Also the bridges leading up to those window panels are slanted.
  17. KrazyKraka3

    KrazyKraka3 Ancient
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    Actually, I made a version of the map where the "A" and "B" signs are glitched into the wall slightly, but i scrapped that idea so I could have a nice spot to hide with the oddball. Because they are sticking outward slightly you can peer through them while crouched and if your looking toward the enemy base, then you can see when they are coming for you, and plan your moves from that... But if you think people will like the map better if they are glitched into that open box, then I will try to change that.
  18. KrazyKraka3

    KrazyKraka3 Ancient
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    oops, sorry that was left over from the original thread I posted about a week ago. The first and second versions of the map had 2 snipers on it but when I made the third and added the sniper nest I replaced the 2 at the spawn bases, with just 1 overlooking the entire map at the sniper nest.
  19. KrazyKraka3

    KrazyKraka3 Ancient
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    Ya lol, I originally wanted to make the ramps leading up to the sniper nest with double walls, but I ran out of pieces, some areas of the map look kinda sloppy due to the fact that I ran out of all of the good pieces trying to enclose the map.
  20. Mongoose Tracks

    Mongoose Tracks Ancient
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    Looks very well merged together 5/5

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