Looks sick dude, very original map idea! I've seen that map called hurricane Katrina but it's not as unique as this map, for this one has nicer aesthetics, buildings (That map, in fact, has none), and it actually looks playable. I think it's pretty unique that you took the layout and building design into consideration, and the fact that you took time to make the environment feel natural with a limited object map like foundry. Well done! 5/5!
I loved township so I definitely go to download this map as well. It would be nice to have a small zombie traits section but not every map has one so don't worry about it.
Thank you for the rating did you add it to the post?... and yes this one was the one that took a while to make. Yes! a devoted fan, that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside, just like when im going to throw up, but this is different. Oops, sorry for that, actually i think his name is danEblade, not danEblind, also thanks for building that angled building i like sniping from it. ....Thanks? As did i, i played it non-stop for about a week then got got a little bored and needed a break to make it fun again so i decided to make this. thanks for Downloading and yes i should put one on but i dont have the exact traits just yet. Attention! There will be a game session on Xbox live today, 9-17-08, from 2:00pm to... well i dont really know when but around 4:30ish'. the party will be open and my gamertag is OrbitalB1ast. join if you dare to take on the hurricane.
This looks like a good infection map. I don't know if the concept has already been thought up, but you did a very good job on it.
Great map. This is very well-made and looks fun to play on. Also, this is one of the most unique maps I have seen on Forgehub and maybe even one of the best infection maps out there. Good job and I hope there is more maps to come from you!
looks okay but what is the point really the map may have some cool action every onnce in a while but i dont think that is all that great. the mapps just way too open for me. sorry
Wow. I remember when you released V2, and then V3. This map is GREAT and just keeps getting better! Great job, orbital shot. Once again, a superb map, 5/5.
Yes it has been thought up... by me and Someguy798 (AKA something.) Thanks for the compliment though. Thank you, that is the main reason this became well known. its completely original. ...Thanks What do you mean? did you read the discription? Also,... OPEN? what? its a town, how is that open? Thank you another fan of my series. that makes me =)
liked other version better this looks messy but you get points for the original idea its just getting played out though
Ok..... ummm have you even played the maps? this whole map is interlocked and every other version of Hurricane town was thrown together, Get ur facts right next time.
not really a fan of infection in general, but it takes a great map to sell the type for me. this fits that catagory. Big Win 4.5/5
The map looks great, but it seems pretty easy to get out of the map, you just jump on the door then the wall then the double box. If you surround it with bridges then you wont have to worry about cheaters
I've played this map, and you can't jump out of the map. I think the gravity is set higher for humans because nobody was able to escape the playing field.
thats true, one it makes sure you cant get out of the map, and two it makes it more realistic. Hey elitmaster sam! whats up. tommorow you have to see this mini-game im working on, continuing from that, anyone that sees this message can join my game on Jumping on the rocks tuseday from 2:05 to about 2:30. maybe longer, i dont know. What? who was that? unless its a version of Hurricane town.
I like the idea of combining hurricanes, and cities. You made some nice buildings. I also like that with limited weapons there's not much camping. This is an awesome map 5/5
yahh, not really there are buildings and weapons scattered around the town, the hurricane adds more effect and danger to the equation.
This map is by far one of my favorites. I like the unique idea with the hurricane; it breaks the repetitiveness that exists in all these foundry maps become from time to time. Very cleanly merged. Nice Job!! 5/5