CDRAD57, a fellow W.A.R.R. (the premiere RR clan at Bnet) member, has compiled a lot of WARR members' best boosting clips into one extremely epic 5 minute montage smothered in delicious winsauce. Note the advertisement for my site towards the end. That made me very happy
I absolutely love this video I love the camera angles I love the actors/players I lover the halorr website I love lightsout (in the ok way...) XD I love the video I love the maps I love the games Bottomline is, I love everything about this vid.....
My boost is near the middle its on sandtrap where we boost toward the Elephant land perfectly on our way toward the next one atop the high dune.
practice makes perfect. grab a buddy and load up the map and gametype by yourselves in customs then just boost around the map aiming for the destinations. Or wait for the Rocket Race 101's coming soon at
Seriously awesome video. Better than any fighting montage I've ever seen. 1:20 was epicness of the highest order
Holy Amazing Rocket Race! Those launches were ridiculous, and I was laughing from the sheer awesomeness. I'll be checking out HaloRR for sure. The 'walker' part was freakin' hilarious!
Best Rocket Race montage ever! I love rocket race but alot of my friends never wanna play it. Send me a friend request if you wanna play some im pretty good at it. EDIT: I signed up at your (LIGHTSOUT) site.! That is a well made video and it has the best boosts I have ever seen in it. I cannot believe what I just saw.