MAP REVIEWING AGENCEYIf this has already been made sorry didnt know Here you can post your map and why we should review post a link to the forum we will play your map on the gametype(s) suggested if its good you get a 5 horrible 1 and you get the rest our grading system is 1 -5 of course. After we review your map you will be graded with 1 -5 blah blah blah below you will find a request form for your map thier you will request your map and rate it p.s this is sorta like testing,except in the simon cowl way. if you dont want to be reviewed just simply do not post your map. If your map is posted b someone other than yourself and you did not want it here simply tell a moderator and have it removed its that simple. Request Form: Name of map: Required gametypes: link to map (not actuall link word it or phrase it please): link to forum where you posted your map: P.s. If you have not posted your map on the forum do not post it here no use, do not put the actual link to your map for example just an example do not do this your map can and will be stolen. Work form: If you would like to work for this company depending on who you are and if youve been warned i may or may not let you as a worker sorry but if you've been warned its a saftey procaussion for the players maps. So here is the form Gamertag: Forgehub name so later i can make sig: why should you work here: age (Saftey purposses) : How often will you be on this forum tab: Dont go looking for people maps to rate on this part of the forum because maybe they have already been rated Workers reminder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you have taken an order write the person forge hub name and say blank i have taken your order/request for example Assassins bullet i have taken your rquest i will then put it on the take n list i will remove i after the job has been done and you (the workers ) will write order complete done whatever aSorry for the spelling errors if any also i will post soon some sigs made i may make them my self or have an extmeley good professinal The Simon Cowels of forgehub Active list: \/ Taken List: \/ Workers list: \/ Good luck to all the maps and may they recieve the best reviews after the winter season i will be giving rewards (fake) to the winners in my choice of the community this is asside from forgehubs awards
u should merge those togetehr b4 u get ur self into REAL trouble... n um nice idea... but i would merge those quick...
thanks for the heads up but they found it already (lol) i dint meen to actuallydouble post i had it oriinally together but then i thought it was messey so i changed it into double post accidentially.i was hoping for a better response not a bad one that said that i made a mistake but i'm okay with that i read the rules for a third time and now its stuck in my head