Hello everybody, today I bring you my newest map, which is competitive (a first for me ) This map is called "Sanction" I mainly focused on geo merging on this map, its the first "real," map I've tried to geo merge on. This map supports most gametypes. The ones that are best are: Slayer Team slayer Oddball King of the hill One sided CTF This map is interlocked weird in some places, and it IS INTENTIONAL. Dont think I wouldnt interlock because I'm lazy, or that the interlocking is sloppy because I'm to lazy to do it. The map is interlocked bumpy in some parts, and smooth in the other parts. This map has a "quarter pipe" in it, for one wall just because a normal wall wouldnt look right just sitting there A ghost is enabled on asymmetrical games only. Story: In the year of 2454, a nearby area was struck by an earthquake. The area struck hardest was the mountain on one side. It has now been turned into a small bumpy, and rocky hill. It is uneven and is a bit hard to walk up. As a result some of the other remains of this place are also turned, or slanted. A team was sent to investigate the earthquake, but never returned alive. The area is now meant for various training activites, in which only the strong will survive and weak will be left for the cold dead. I also used the Foundry money glitch, so I could make this map excellent for game play. Alright, so now you may want a weapon list so here it is. Weapon Quantity placed on map. Battle rifle 12 Assault rifle 1 Sniper rifle 1 SMG 1 Magnum 1 Plasma rifle 1 Needler 1 Carbine 5 Mauler 1 Fuel Rod Gun 1 Also, an equipment list. Item Quantity on map Plasma grenade 6 Frag grenade 1 Spike grenade 2 Bubble shield 1 Regenerator 1 Deployable cover 1 Overshield 1 Active camo 1 There are various buildings throughout this map also, such as a sniper perch, walkways, a base, a giant quarter pipe and much more. Well you probably wants screenshots so here are some. A overview of a geo merged walkway, with base A at the sie. A geo merged bridge, used as a walkway. A geo merged box, with the camo inside of it, behind is Base A The sniper perch, and two optional ways to get up, both geomerged. The mid way point, a small building like structure, with good spots to support your team, and get kills. The big quarter pipe, made up of about seven double walls, just a normal wall didnt fit here very well Another look at the mid way point, but this time the opposite way. Another way around, the bridge wall, to have dome like feel, it is curved a slight bit, with man cannons to push you around very quick. This is great for escape, in any gametype. Another view of the mid way point structure. Behind the mid way structure, with interlocked walls and double boxes for great spots to get kills. Another way to travel around, but its quite a tight fit. Another small structure near Base A. Download the map by clicking this Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
A little sloppy, though very good geo! I like it, though you need V2 and clean it up a little, I downloading. =]
Hey man not a bad map! You put in some pretty cool concepts into this map and I like the curved wall made out of bridges. That I don't like about this map si all the darn sloppiness. I don't know why, and you never justified your reasoning: Yeah, I think it's built sloppy because you didn't want to take the time to build it well. I don't see why you would want it to look sloppy like this. Maybe you did it for tactics? Enough on the sloppiness, things you could improve on...you really should consider adding in cover, especially around the first picture area that looks like a mount of fenced walls. As for now 4/5 because it could be improved.
I truely like the way you developed the map, but it apears that once you came to near completion of the map, you started to just through everything together. I suggest you don't rush your maps and put a little more effort into some of your work. 3.5/5
Yeh, the sloppiness is mainly just making sure people cant escape. The fence walls and some of the other parts are just meant to be like that, but ill make a v 2 eventually probably
excuses excuses your geomerging and interlocking is messy. EVERYWHERE and when people say that its purposely messy, and dont say how it adds to gameplay they are making excuses for thier shitty interlocks/geomerges i still give you kudos for the try to make a geomerged map, dont let this comment stop you from forging
I agree. It's a good made and you had alot of unique things in it. But you could have improved it so things would be smooth.
this looks pretty good... but really SLOPY... nice structures n all nice job geo merging... but clean it up use more guides and such... fence walls interlocked dont look great nor walls so i donno i would use boxes... but nice job on the layout n such... nice job 4/5 clean it up but keep forging
pretty messy in alot of places, and i woulnt call the bridge geomerged, because its just barely geomerged, and theres alot of places that could be better if more time was spent on em. make a V2 with everything clean, and youl have mah download.
its a little sloppy, but it is very interesting, i suggest more cover and maybe another structure in the open areas
I think this map is OK... You have some incredible ideas, and you really made some amazing aesthetics! The extreme sloppiness really turns me off, it just ruins the map. If you had just taken the time to clean things up this map would be AMAZING. Unfortunately, even your cool quarter pipe and fence wall structure look ugly with all those bumps. You need to put more time into making everything smooth and nice. Basically, I agree with the other posters on this thread. I don't care if an earthquake came and made the map all ****ed up and bumpy, make a version 2 that happened BEFORE the "earthquake". MAKE A VERSION 2!
I must say YOU DID INTERLOCK/GEO-MERGE but it was sloppy. Now I know in your description it says that it was intentional sloppyness, still sloppy can be made cleaner. Now that might not make sense, but that bridge part is sloppy. Also you said yourself that some parts are sloppy and bumpy, nxt time do try to fix those things!
You know, The only reason why you think this map looks sloppy is because of the fence wall hill, Interlocked Fence walls look horrible. None of the map is sloppy, Its just the fence walls interlocked making it look horrible.
Alright, alright, ill make a v2 within a few weeks, thefence walls are pretty much the only thing that effect the gameplay from slopiness, the quarter pipe is really smooth actually, its just from the angle of the screenshot.