New forge???

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by yoflorg, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. yoflorg

    yoflorg Ancient
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    Hey there its CK Yoflorg with a new topic showing up all over youtube. Its a brand new forge! The videos all over youtube show a brand new forge system click this link to watch- - now in the video the person (maybe from Bungie) talks about everything you need to know and if you look around you'll see bots (animated characters such as Brutes, Flood, and so on) and you can tell it isnt moded because there arent any flood or anything on that map. Then at the end he will say "Wait there is no way we are showing this!" then he throws a plasma and you see a blue grid floor with a piece of a map. Now im thinking 'Wow new updates?' nothing new because of two new maps, and new achievements, but now this!?!? I think Bungie outdid themselves on this :lol: thats a first. Im not saying this is real I dont know, but if it is Bungie is doing something good. Well thats all for now if you have any questions about any updates please feel free to ask.

    -CK Yoflorg
  2. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    well at the end of the vid it definitly seems like the new map sandbox. i think the rest of the stuff was either mods or just bungie being able to put in the stuff.
  3. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Sorry but your really late to the party. Since it was all over youtube it made its way here awhile ago. We all are aware of that video.
  4. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Old vid is old

    but seriously, relax. If there is to be a new Forge Map (as hinted by the possible 7 new maps, one being called Sandbox) we will find out anywhere between the 23rd and 25th. I wouldn't get your hopes up, but mine are (sadly).

    And just to add some intelligence, here is why I think there is a possible Forge Map to be released soon.
    We all know about the rumored 7 maps, because of the heat maps discovery, and the fact the skulls seem to be found on multiplayer maps. But what convinces me that there is to be a new Forge Friendly map, is the fact that Bungie is going to be making a Matchmaking Playlist dedicated for Forged maps. Now, this obviously would be no proof at all, since we still have foundry, except for the fact that Bungie says the update will not be out the same time as TU2, but down the road. Why wait when there are plenty of great Foundry maps to choose from? Because they are going to be realeasing a new Forge map, and when it comes out, they want to give creators adequet time to forge on it, and give themselves time to sort through all the maps.

    Wow, I put more though into this post than the thread deserves..

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