My first attempt at a sig.The sig in my signature right now was not made by me.This is the first real sig I tried.Not the best but I tried Im a Gimp noob alright I will learn more, Please dont flame me becuase of the sig suckyness, crap I forgot a border. Just a ford mustang driving through snow. :irritated: The sig below was not made by me.
Decent for ur first sig but the snow doesn't look like snow... Also the text doesn't fit and orange isn't a good text color... The font for ur name isn't very good and also it is not really looking like it's meant to be there... Just thrown on. Sorry if this sounds harsh but it's CnC. =) Also Tex iz gun infract u!
Why would he infract me.I happy for the contructive critism I know I suck at sigs and need to get better.
text needs fixed colors needs changed and perferably better font diffrent dimensions border like you said and maybe some more cool effects or something. Also Tex is gayzorz watch out for him ftp and stick up against UCnCT (its like the emipre of forge hub i say)
Noone even likes the CnC thread, and even if they do think they like it, they actually hate it. Anyways... The sig is very good for a first attempt. My first was worse. Ive gotten better though. Anyways, i would say make the snow a little bit more trasparent and change the color of the text. I think the text color is kinda killing it. Maybe make the text fit more by making it dark blue with like icicles hanging off it. Im sure theres a wintery font somewhere.
Couldn't have said it better... Also a border might make it look nicer and also try for some effects or snowflake brushes, scattering too, might make the snow more realistic. =)
Well said, Warlord. All the texts are bad as well as the colors. The sig lacks depth and the snow doesn't look like snow, its too dense and not the right brush. Render is ok but it needs C4Ds and effects and get rid of the snow covering the render. Just trying to be helpful, no offense. My first sig was TERRIBLE.
Yeah I suck at making sigs but i just need to understand this software its kinda like forge you suck the first time you do it then you get good later on
Yeah... And it doesn't suck... It's just a hard idea to pull off to begin with. Still pretty good for ur first! =)
the BIGGEST secret of sig making, is that you have to wear your own sigs, bottom will give you the motivation to improve SOOO much more than wearing other people's me on that one! anyways, thats how i started!
I figured out how to make transparent and blend images by desert elite to big to be used for sig and it still needs some work Im a noob at this stuff.*sad face*this how I blended these pix makes me emotional.I wanted to just get the anime girls head in the clouds but I dont know how to cut pieces of pics off.
snap. Thats the one program ive never used. Anyways, if it has a line/pen tool, outline the object, select the inside of the object, CTRL+I it (select inverse), CTRL+X and your done. Thats how i make renders. Its super fast. It has to have a line/pen tool. There. Its for (what i used to use), but line/pen tools in photoshop (and probably GIMP) should work like. follow that, it should explain what i did above.