A Version Three (or is it?) Hello everyone again. As some of you may know I created a map called Quantum. It didn't come off so well because of the lack of cover. I made a few tweaks and the "v2" which actually had so little changes, I found it was more of a v1.7. That also didn't go off so well because of the lack of overhead cover. Well I took a break from Quantum for a while but like that ex girlfriend you can't get over, I came back to her. But this time I was going to get it right. I started mostly from scratch with the exception of the bases and the wall (which in fact was borrowed from MLG Amplified, I will not take credit for that). These are the only things that define it being the version 3 of Quantum. Everything else is new. Now unfortunately because of the limitations I made for getting too high on top of the map (thus solving the overhead cover issue altogether) I cannot take an overview picture. So I will make due with what I have and describe it the best I can. I suggest downloading if you want a real view of the map. Longview A side Wire Spool Structure Window Panel Structure Center A side Wall The top picture is A side from the Red Base side. Blue base is open to A side. Here there is not much high ground at all. On each side by the bases are wire spool structures and in the center is a window panel structure. There is also a three story wall for cover but high enough to where you cannot get on top of it. Once again to eliminate the overhead cover issue. And believe it or not the carbine in the picture is drop spawned. Longview B side Angle 1 of sub base and wall/ramp Angle 2 of sub base and wall/ramp Bottom B tower B tower The top picture here is B side from Blue Base side and this time Red Base opens. The wall/ramp structure is to keep with MLG style gameplay in flag. Carrying the flag along here makes it hard to shoot from ground level, but there is numerous ways to get on the ramp. Also each side has a sub base (The box structure with the dumpster in front of it) that is great for long distance BRing and getting to the B wall/ramp. Ground level of B tower is shown in the third picture where the wall corners form into the custom structure. The custom structure is to elimitnate spawn kills from B tower to A side center wall. You cannot get on top of it however so that eliminates that. Also B Tower has two stories. Underneath it is an open box with two plasma nades (but you cannot jump in it thanks to the double box merged into it). It would be best to control the high ground while on this side. Mauler tower Mauler tower jump demonstration Between the two bases of course is a mauler. However because of the tower, you cannot just make a straight run for it. This requires you to make a slight turn around to get to it. Also (if timed correctly) you can crouch jump from either base bridge on top ot the mauler tower. The box underneath the mauler is an open box with a weapon holder on it's ceiling holding the mauler in place. From B side between the custom tower is a dumpster to reach the mauler. The angle you see in the first picture is from A side. You can jump to the mauler from the window panel structure. Red base Blue base Flag example Now the bases are as shown (yes the teams were uneven). Red base has a wall seperating it from A side but not B side. Vice versa for Blue base as previously stated. These pictures give an example to that. Now what I had to do to make it to where you can see from across the map if the flag was home or not was set it against the wall. I'm not sure how this will affect gameplay seeing how I haven't tested flag yet but I will keep you posted. Though my description might not be enough, I suggest downloading it and taking a walk around. You'll get a much better idea of the map. My plan was to seperate this MLG map from the common On and Amp style. Though some physical characteristics may seem the same, I believe the gameplay proves otherwise. It is compatible with the MLG gametypes Team Slayer, King of the Hill, Capture the Flag, and even Team Oddball. Until next time keep to it and any constructive criticism is prefered. Don't forget to rate and comment. Design Assistance: UPG Uzumaki Testers: PVT CABOOSE 1107, MOUSESTERCHIEF, Infamous Grunt, COUNT3RxSN1P3Rx, SARGENTWAFFLE, AznNinja117 I recently acquired a gamevee WALKTHROUGH to give you a little more idea of what the map is like. But this MLG Team King demonstration might give you a better idea of the map and gameplay. MLG Quantum Action Shots Keep your head down And I dub thee "Death Hall" Sneaky red team with a mauler Lucky stick on bottom B tower He just got a kill too
this map looks really good i am going to dl though. unlike most mlg maps yours has alot of cool structures that add to the maps visibility and playability. the interlocking is very nice. 10/10 great job
This map is very original, this is because I dont see a bunch of interlocked boxes. You used more than boxes, which probably will allow way better gameplay. Nice Job, I love the interlocking
Yes I agree my merging isn't near as good as most forgers. But I think with time I'll learn. I just wanted to say with some help from a player from the MLG forums, I might have a gamevee walkthrough video posted soon. Keep in touch. ------ The video has been uploaded ------ Demo videos are under grab at the moment and will be uploaded in the next few days