I am really into doing HLG on matchmaking (team doubles with my freind). And thought, what if we could make a master list of all known jumps/hiding places. you may think that HLG is for noobs and is retarded, but this could help those people who forge by preventing these. How to post a jump or where the hiding place is post instructions on how to get here and link to pics in the order they are used (in instructions) in the next section, i seperate jumps/hides into what maps there on and put the name in [] tags, and below the intructions are some comments. JUMPS/Hiding places MAPS: Construct: [Turret-case crouch] 1.on the lower floor. there is a dead end on one side, hit the turret case out a bit, and crouch behind it. 2. stay crouched. Trust me, this works, i did this with my friend and the enemys actually walked right in front of us, but we died cause my friend tried to snipe a passerby . [The back hall] 1. go to the hall behind the central-lift 2. do not move, or they will se you on the radar this is good for short-term hiding, but they find you soon [Under the map] this one is rather tough, but is the BEST one on construct 1.go to the bottom of construct, near the purple grav-pillars 2.jump so that you land as low as possible on the lift 3.crouch/uncrouch quickly untill you through 4.walk along this narrow path, dont fall off or you will die! this is extremly hard to do, so i suggest you practice to find the EXACT place to jump before going in on matchmaking [Above the wall] 1. get the brute shot and bubble sheild, locations pictured below. Brute shot (near upper-entrance to lift) Bubble shield (below sniper) 2.go to the window in the picture below. Deploy the shield. 3.throw a frag 4.on explosion you will brute-shot jump while grenade jumping 5. Land Here (pic below) Guardian: [Easy pocket] 1. have a Bshot and head to the center platform 2.Bjump off the pictured platform 3.Land here: Snow-Bound: [The Great Pole] First: Get the B-shot Now, jump to here: Then: B-shot jump, first point directly down, now jump, Bshot and Bshot again Then, move to here: TIPS *toggle crouch can be usefull when hiding to prevent accidental radar movement *if you would like me to show you a jump, please PM me here and Freind request me on live
Whether or not this is a good idea may be up for debate. While teaching them is helpful it may diminish their usefulness. I personally don't mind as that is how I learned. As a side note, I would highly recommend turning on toggle crouch when hiding so you do not have to hold down the button.
you have a pont, but most people around my skill level dont use HLG, even though i do, and also, a very small amount of halo3 players come here, there is only 20000 compared to halo3's millions but alos, i got some pics and a new hiding spot about to go up!
Oh, my god. You are an embarrasment to the Halo 3 community. Why would you post about your dumb HLG hiding spots? You stupid HLG kids are the rot of Halo 3. Why don't you learn how to play the game correctly, instead of hiding like pussies. /thread
Oh, my goodness. You are an embarrassment to the Internet community. Why would you care about someone posting something others could have fun with? You stupid LG kids are the rot of the Internet. Why don't you learn how to shut your mouth, instead of acting tough on the Internet. Lol. /argument.
yeah, im kinda debating in my head about that one,but i know a pic of the blue team staring through the glass down at red team would be funny, but guys, there is a HLG debate going on in the dabte forums, im looking for you guys's spots
Hiding is a legitimate strategy, though its usefulness is being diminished as awareness is raised. One could argue against that though, as it makes it fair for all players when they know the hiding spots. It just takes a lot of time and patience to find a hider. Personally, I think that it adds a whole new level to game play as it strays away from the "scripted" charge and shoot. /thoughts
like said, plaese, if you wish to discuss HLG, do it in that HLG debate, if you want to contribute to this list, plaese post
Dude, I would be happy to help post, I could send you PM's with pictures so you could add to this thread, like snowbound ones and guardian ones and such.
Hey this could be very helpful, althoug I already know just about all of them. I would make the last pics bigger if you can Ty
Are you not trying to act tough by telling him to shut his mouth and insulting a site he helps run? You think you can just tell people what kind of opinion they are allowed to have because your name appears purple? You know what that color is usually associated with don't you?
That one jump on Construct with the Brute Shot, you make it look complicated with a Bubble Shield and Frag. All you really need to do is aim down while facing the wall and shoot your Brute Shot 3 times. You'll end up on the top of the window and from there you can just jump to the top of the wall.
yeah, you can do it that way, but 1. the shield keeps "pests" away 2.the frag helps make it more direct, cause you could miss the wall, anyway, normally you have a frag w/ you