What is your most anticipated game? For me it is Gears of War 2. Gears is probably my all time favorite game so I'm just dieing to get my hands on Gears 2. Looks sweet as hell.
Well, there are kinda about three threads going on about this same subject, so... I'm personally looking really forward to having a good RTS on a console, aka Halo Wars.
this may be the 100th time i said this but Saints Row 2 my HD is going to be full of different characters
Well personally, I'm most psyched for GH:WT, but if I was unbiased, it would definitely be Spore. Not only of this year, but this is one of the, if not, THE most anticipated game ever.
I would have to say, halo wars although I havnt played it. Just looking at pics and videos I think it wouldbe
I'm really hyped up for Fable II. I've already preordered the limited edition and won over 50k at the pub games w/out cheating. With the coop and new gameplay, it's going to be awesome.