Hey, my map is casual too, your making me feel bad ..... jk. good luck to you two and hopefully mroe people will post mini games.
Okay guys. I am sorry about the casual thing. MattDGiants was really the first one that popped to my head sorry.
*UPDATE* The Contest Submissions will be closed in one day. If you have a map to submit, please submit it.
Can I submit a map even though I haven't posted it on Forgehub yet? I'm behind in school because I was sick for two days and I am slammed with three days worth of homework. I just don't have the time to make the thread! If I can enter: The map is called Impulse, I made it before joining Forgehub so please don't say I copied Code Impulse! Play Impulse with 2-6 players (1v1, 2v2, and 3v3). It is set up for Team games only, Team slayer, Oddball, Capture the Flag (one flag and multi flag), Assault (one bomb and normal assault), and one of my favorites, Team Crazy King! Hope you enjoy the map and you can download it off my Fileshare, slot 6. Thanks. Link to fileshare
Sorry dude. You need a link to Forgehub so members can easily click on it and see what its about. Sorry but you need to post your map or else the contest is closing in 1 day.
You can't just download it off my fileshare? What if I make a Forgehub thread that has pictures and stuff in the Forge Discussion?
I would like to show you my ship Mighty Whale X it is a fully playable ascetic map for one bomb assault and slayer. Click Here to got to Mighty Whale X thread or click sig pic
Okay guys.. The contest submission are officially over. This thread will be locked and the winner will be announced shortly, that you for your time and good luck to all the maps.