lololol. I saw that about a year ago and it never gets old. Hilarious vid. "I cant go back, theres no option to arrange them by *****"
Wow, that guy is so retarded. He's going to try and click on the icons and nothing will happen because it's the background, lol. He was like, "why the hell are you using AOL, thats broadbrand..." "I have like 4000 hours free!"
That was amazing! "You mean you don't know the difference between the internet and a website?" I got such a kick out of
Oh my god thats hilarious. A friend showed me this a while back and I can't believe I almost forgot about this. "How long have your icons been like this?" "8-9 years." I about died laughing.
hahaha that was hilarious! brilliant! usually i dont feel like watching long youtube videos but this one was so good