The Temple

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Ahmed 117, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. Ahmed 117

    Ahmed 117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Name:
    The Temple
    Created By:
    Ahmed 117
    Supported Game Types:
    Temple Spirits
    Team slayer
    At least one of each+
    Flamethrower that spawns 180 sec into the game.
    Bubble Shield
    Regenerator (X2)
    Deployable Cover (X2)
    Radar Jamer
    - If you didn't already just pass this up because of the overly-common name, STAY!!! This map is my first on forgehub so I apoligize if I mess up somewhere. I spent at least two weeks on this map, and I am very proud of it.
    - The Temple is an Infection map with it's own gametype. It consists of many unique features, interlocking, effective spawn placement, and good weapon placement. The Infected Pair (yes that means 2!) spawn in the back hallway area of Foundry. They must run in and kill off the Temple spirits, and the spirits aren't so happy about that. The Infected Pair run through the open door and begin spreading the virus. Some Spirits may first take a trip up the elevator, or seek shelter in the sacred shrine located to the east of the Temple. The brave will try to fight them off at the door, but recources are very limited. Be warned; no place is safe for long.
    Pics + A Change In Mood, YAY!!!

    ^^ Overview of The Temple. ^^

    ^^ Door And Lookout Box ^^

    ^^ This is the foyer room. Back by the far box there are two plasma rifles. Next to the door are two BR's and a shotgun with only one clip. I will now turn the camera to the right. ^^

    ^^ The hall blocked off by pallets leads to a shotgun; a shotgun hall similar to the one in Guardian. This halll has no opening at the top though. You should also notice the pile of grenades on the floor, these are grenade depots. You simply stand on them for about 1.5 seconds and you have full grenades! I think I put 8 of them around. ^^

    ^^ This is the main Temple Room. The previous picture was taken in the upper-right corner. In the middle of this joyus room is one of my favorite features, a pool of youth. Jump in and you will be absolutely safe from any gunfire or explosions; as long as you crouch:p Inside the pool are the two Regenerators and a plasma pistol.^^

    ^^ This is the south side of the pool room. There are sentenial beams here. As you can obviously tell, you can climb up the stuff. On the small second floor there, there is just some AR ammo. On top of that is a sniper perch with an instant respawn deployable cover and a grenade depot. I will enter the hallway to the right of the pic. BTW, I am behind those sheilds:p ^^

    ^^ This is the Rocket hall. If you take a left at the rocket, there is an empty hall, followed by the foyer again; it's pretty much a circle. ^^

    ^^ I know you've already seen this picture, but now I'll explain the second floor. BTW, there is supposed to be a floor by those boxes, but I had some forging errors, but I fixed them in the map. In the corner by the single box is a Covenant Carbine. Not much on the second floor but the entrance to the lookout box; I'll have pics of that later. ^^

    ^^ Ok, Back in the pool room picture you could see a wall in the bottom-left corner, this is what that was. An elevator! On the box is a grenade depot and a grav-lift. It's nowhere near perfect, but it's operational and won't kill you :) To activate: throw the grav lift DOWN, you won't believe how many people threw it up and complained it didn't work!

    ^^ This is the Temple Fort, AKA on top of the elevator, AKA the fourth floor. There are several BR's, AR's, snipers, and swords of your own (I reccomend not to use the swords though, unless you are REALLY good). The bridge to the left goes to the shrine. The open double box to the left takes you to the two turrets you've seen twice now, + a grenade depot and a deployable cover.
    That's it for the geometry Pics, now are some in depth pics!!

    ^^ On the overview and second floor pics you'll see three boxes next to each other. This space is behind them. On this little platform, there is a grenade depot, an oversheild, a radar jammer, and two needlers. The fence wall acts like a window to the shrine. BTW, I like neat tricks. ^^

    ^^ This is the lookout box. You should know where on the map this is located because of all the pretty pictures. There is a Brute Shot on the bridge (the bridge is there to help you get back out), a grenade depot under the bridge, an instant respawn active camo and a shotgun with one clip (to prevent long periods of camping). You can see a nice use of this box here :p^^

    ^^ Don't think the infected can't get you once you've used the elevator, they can jump onto the crane, past my favorite weaon, onto the small ledges made of excess bridge, and jump onto the spiker platform. ^^

    ^^ After three minutes of survival the spirits will recieve god's gift for their efforts in the pool of youth. What a flaming prize. ^^

    Well, that's it. I hope I did a good job with my first map posted. I have spent lots of time on this thing, and hope you all like it!

    Download Map
    Download Variant

    Please let me know what I need to improve on, both in forge and in posting. Please download!!
    Oh, here's a little sneak peek at the sanctuary:p :b d:
    #1 Ahmed 117, Sep 21, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2008
    ryan r teh lol likes this.
  2. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry to tell you this but your map is EXTREMELY messy. 2/5 no download but I'll help you to learn to forge like a master. lol HERE

    Anyway's, This could be a nice map if interlocked and merged in some area's. It make's the map look A LOT better. Seriously, Click on the link that I gave you.
  3. Ahmed 117

    Ahmed 117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh, come on! It's not so bad you need to give me a link to forging 101! Anyway, thanx for the feedback, I will try to make my future maps cleaner. But it is really fun with lots of people. I tested it with 9 people and they all said the map was rough, but the actual playing was awesome.
  4. piekiller

    piekiller Ancient
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    overall the map looks fine and i bet the gameplay is also fine but the map itself is just all crooked and out of shape i suggest going back over and using interlocking or at least making everything straight or flat 2.5/5
    ryan r teh lol likes this.
  5. Ahmed 117

    Ahmed 117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    All right, I get it, I need to make the map straighter and not as messy, I will start working on it tomorrow, my eyes are so tired from putting this map up. Thank you both for your feedback. Please come back to this in a week to check out the straight and updated version. BTW, how do you increase that rank thing under your name?
  6. DARKGOD001

    DARKGOD001 Ancient

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    this map is extremely messy HOWEVER the actual features of the map are awsome and the gameplay is badass 4.00/5.00 i will dl

    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    ok map real messy especillay the top part ang gameplay doesn't look strong 2/5 the reason you got the 2 was for the elavator
  8. Paradox2007

    Paradox2007 Ancient
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    I like the fountain of youth, but, like the other posters said, it's a pretty messy map. Plus, there really isn't anything on this map that sets it apart from a lot of the "fortress" style maps popping up nowadays

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