Haunted House

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by rewib65, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    Ever since i made the level Fort 0026 I have always perefered to make infection maps since then. This is my second house I've made, I never posted the first one. I used the ideas of vents and a little bit of hiding places in this map.

    Bungie.net Thread

    This is the gametype I use when I play this, you dont need it, but it makes it better,Zombie Raid.

    **I apologize in advance for the pictures and the length of this thread, this map is incredibly complex and I tried the best I could to explain how everything works but it might not be enough. If you need a walkthrough, message me on my bungie.net account, or send a message to me on my gamertag that i play on, Biwer71, you can send it to Rewib65, but i mostly use it to post maps, and I am rarely on it.

    Please, you must read the description under the pics, there are many more areas that you dont see in the embedded pics!!!! otherwise you may not fully understand this map!!!!!


    First Floor

    Second Floor


    Pool Area

    Zombie Spawn

    One of the many vents (this one is in the living room, although you cant see it on the first floor screenshot)

    Another one of the many vents (this is the one in the garage)
    The humans spawn at the front of the house and can choose many different ways to go besides into the house. They can head to the Garage
    They could also head to The Pool which has a gravity hammer in the pool.

    Through the front doors is the first floor. There is the living room with a plasma tv, couch and table. Also there are two smgs. There is also a door leading to the garage. Head down the hallway and you will find the dining room, with a bruteshot on the table, and turn right and there is a kitchen with two br's, and assault rifle, a pistol and a flamethrower in the left corner (you can't see the flamethrower in the screenshot.

    The Second Floor has a large balcony looking down to the first floor. There are 3 bedrooms, the guest bedroom which has a spiker and a battle rifle, otherwise not that much stuff and has a path that leads to the pool. The other bedroom doesnt have weapons, but can make a decent camping spot with a machine gun turret just outside of the room. Head down the hallway, and on the right is a kids room with bunkbeds, and a shotgun laying on the first bed. The last room on the second floor is the storage room, with a needler, plasma rifle, and sentinel beam.

    If you go to the guest bedroom, and jump on the crate you can get into the attic which in the far corner has an entrance to the roof which has a sniper rifle and machine gun turret.

    Ok, now here is the part that makes this map so much fun to play on, all of the vents.
    The zombies spawn in the back of the vents where they run forward, and can choose many different vents to go to. The first vent comes out in the family room and the zombies enter the vent here past the pipes and have to crouch under the floor. That same path also leads behind the truck in in the garage.
    The second vent drops down into the dining room from the ceiling (but i didnt have room for that picture, oops).
    The third vent is on top of the dumpster and behind the box in the storage room.
    To get into the 2nd and 3rd vents, you need to enter through here (its above the entrance to the other vents)

    The fourth vent is in the kids room and the entrance is hard to find, but is in the back area where the zombies get, and you have to jump to get up there.
    The last vent you get to from the roof of the building by the pool, and is more of an entrance to the vents than an actual vent.

    If a human could somehow manage to fight his way all the way through the vents, and past the zombie spawn, he can get to the weapon stash hidden in the back, the shotgun and rockets have the maximum amount of ammo in them and the equipment is extremely helpful.

    **there are also a few other vent/shortcuts that i didnt tell you about, you have to find them on your own.
    #1 rewib65, Jun 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  2. Jakattak418

    Jakattak418 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice lookin house i like the garage and the in side so ya nice job

    Oh ya first again
  3. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    looks great mate, nice job ;D

    and oh yeah, second again. (such lol).
  4. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    its cool how the glow from the shield doors make it seem more like a pool on the walls
  5. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    Nice job, especially on the pool
  6. Pwnography

    Pwnography Ancient
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    Looks different than most houses, Im not sure why but it just is.
  7. Sk84lyfe13

    Sk84lyfe13 Ancient
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    nice house very neat love the pool. but its kinda like other infection mansions/;houses it has vents next time try to go for something that other people havent done and ill give you a 5/5 for it. but for this you get 4/5
  8. browniekillyou

    browniekillyou Ancient

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    pretty nice map man
  9. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    I like this house because it actually has some great qualitys of a house instead of the same old same old great job 5/5
  10. Kittycatwitcowboyhat

    Senior Member

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    lol wow you put a pool, a tv, a couch, a garage. you really put alot of efort in this. nice
  11. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    The thing i really enjoyed about this map is where you made the house
    most are on the other side, and use the open area, but you made yours fit in the small side of foundry. and you used the walls that are part of the actual map as an advantage
  12. Own3dyoo

    Own3dyoo Ancient
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    looks nice but
    my suggestions are to make the second floor show less of the first floor
  13. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    My jaw dropped from that first pic. This map looks AMAZING. My only question is why didnt you embed the last couple pictures of the vents? Still, great work.

  14. Tbirdsoccer1314

    Tbirdsoccer1314 Ancient
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    I like this map i played it with my friends but i never knew who made it
  15. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    there a gametype for this? still got my dl.
  16. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    also i need to i need to know if double posting is against the rules pm me if it is.
  17. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I'd have to play a game of it to truly a get a feel of how well it's balanced, but the fact that

    a) There isn't an infinite amount of rockets, smg's. shotties, etc in the house for you to ping off insta-death zombies
    b) You have to fight for the better weapons, and
    c) There are multiple entrances spread around the house

    is a very good sign that you put some thought into it. It also helps that it looks pretty nice (I like the look of the roof the most) However, is there anything stopping a person from going outside into one of the empty corners of foundry?
  18. very sweet map i am so about to download this

    MAGIC_MAN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    good job my favorite part is probably the pool 4/5

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