This contest is kind of like the SOTW. But a lot different! What you do is, every week there will be a new one, and a sig and subject. You will have to use that render and make a whold sig. Then the next week, its voting time! Rules : -Only use selected render(s) -Make it different -No spam -One entry only -You vote one time -Enter HERE only! -And enjoy! Now, the subject is a spartan from Halo Wars...: (Resize it) I hope people enter! Now start, yay! Also the prize is +rep(I guess) And a sig that says "Render Contest Winner". ^Optional^ !ENTRIES END THIS FRIDAY THE 25'th! Can a mod sticky please?
It's different because of the specific render instead of make a signature from a theme. Anyways, I'll enter. I need more practice.
meh im bored so what the heck... i probably wont put much time into it though.. oh well EDIT: wait entries end this friday... is that yesterday friday or what?
Yes, but it's from HALO WARS. If you have ever seen that stuff. Also it ends the Friday coming up, I don't know the date....I posted the date, I think....
This is just like the SOTW. There is a specific theme, and you make a sig for it. Some weeks are stock/render specific...
Oh well, I've got nothing to lose. Just one thing to point out, all the graphics in this sig is from the original render, nothing else
ima enter, so do we have to use that spartan provided? im not to good with sigs but im tryin to get better.
Yea, I know. But it's suppose to be a little hard. Next time it will be easirer. =] THIS ENDS THE 26th!
heres my sig (it sux i know, maybe someone could help me or sumthin) also friday is the 26th not 25th. today is 25th and its thursday.