
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by STEClash96, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    (Click to download)
    Inspired by: Pleymo, Panktration, and Project Z.

    Equalise is a medium sized map that uses up all of Foundry. It's main gametype it's setup for is Free-For-All Slayer, But, While I was about 40% into building it, I said to myself: This is going to take up ALL of Foundry so it can't be setup for only FFA Slayer. So, It's setup for FFA Slayer, 1-Flag, Team Slayer, Assault, KOTH, Oddball, and That's all of the gametypes it's setup for, I think. But anyways, The map has nice Geo-Merging and Nice Interlocking too. The main feature it has is the Geo-Merging in the Backalley. I know what your all going to say and start to flame at me for this, I asked Linubidix if I could use that for a piece in my map, He said it was ok and I should go ahead and do it. So I did, Also, If Anyone flames at me for not reading the desription about me stealing Linubidix's map piece, I will report you for spam. The map has power up's to indicate what base is which. The attackers base is geo-merged into the wall (Sorry, I forgot to take pics of it =[ ) But another piece of the map's feature is the Beam Rifle sitting Perfectly on the weapon holder in a wall. Ah yes, This is also my 10th map post here on ForgeHub. But do not fear, I will keep on making maps for as long as I can.

    FFA Slayer
    Team Slayer

    7x Br's
    3x Carbines
    7x AR's
    1x Beam Rifle
    1x Rocket Launcher
    4x SMG's
    3x Spikers
    2x Brute Shot *1 is Asymmetric*
    2x Needler
    4x Plasma Rifle's
    2x Maulers
    1x Plasma Cannon *Asymmetric*

    1x Regenerator
    1x Trip Mine [COLOR=Red]*Asymmetric*
    [COLOR=DarkOrchid]1x Power Drain [COLOR=Red]*Symmetric*
    [COLOR=DarkOrchid]?x Plasma Grenades
    ?x Frag Grenades
    ?x Spike Grenads
    1x Fire Bomb Grenade
    1x Flare
    1x Active Camo [COLOR=Red]*Asymmetric*
    [COLOR=DarkOrchid]1x Overshield [COLOR=Red]*Symmetric*

    [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Red][SIZE=6][U][B]Vehicles:[/B]
    [/U][COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=4][FONT=Comic Sans MS]1x Mongoose
    1x Ghost

    [COLOR=Red][SIZE=6][FONT=Times New Roman][U]*Everything you see here,Weapons, Equipment, Gametypes and Vehicles are ALL wrote down from my memory.

    Amount of players total:[/U][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkOrchid]
    2-10 Players Total.
    Now, It's time for the pictures to show off the map. =D









    If anyone starts to flame at me saying like I Copyed Linubidix's map and stuff, I'll report you. I asked him and he said it was ok.







    Comments on Bungie.net and Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    [B][SIZE=7][FONT=Times New Roman][URL="http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=53589344"][U]DOWNLOAD[/U][/URL][/FONT][/SIZE][/B]


    #1 STEClash96, Sep 21, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2008
  2. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    This isn't the most creative map I have seen but it makes up for it with stellar interlocking and geomerging. It is incredibly clean and tidy. The layout looks decent and I like that you used all of foundry. FFA will be great on this map as well =)
    I think you should add an interesting centerpeice that WOWS people. I would also like to see more pictures!
    Oh, and why is it called equalize?

    Good, but nothing revolutionary...
    evan12075 likes this.
  3. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    this map is a piece of ****
    jk this is great
    map is VERY clean and well interlocked
    geomerging is nice and clean cut,
    the map looks a little lacking over by the backof the mpa, just a box tere
    could use some moer cover its very open
  4. jedi eli

    jedi eli Ancient
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    Wow, this looks very nice and aestheticly pleasing. I love the geomerging and the very smooth interlocking, but how did you get that single box in the back alley/hallway??? I will try to play it with one of my friends later. I will rate it after I play it.
    STEClash96 likes this.
  5. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    I really like the second to last picture, it's a great overview of your map, you should put that as the first picture. This map has a great layout and a lot of creative cover, such as the corner wall in the double box. I also like the fact that you used the whole map and didn't bull crap around. You really spread things out around Equalise. I'm saving this thread so I can download later, for now, I give you a 5/5.

    P.S.- The TGIF was awesome! We should have played this map...
    evan12075 likes this.
  6. Midnite Haze

    Midnite Haze Ancient
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    wow geomerging is perfect, and the height of each box and the back tunnel looks awesome and playable 5/5
  7. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    so here it is the long awaited post... nce job this looks really nice... good job in the alley it actually seems playable... u took it to a bungie feel w/ this one nice job with the smooth interlocking... and flat geomerging definate dl from me i really like cant wait to see ur next post... 5/5
  8. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Ok, If anyone want's to know hot to geo-merge in the back alley, Here is what I did, I got the single box and put it against the wall, I put a bridge on top and 3 teleporters on each side on the box in the upright postion. I used the save and quit method to get the doors at the right angle. I used 2 doors to geo-merge it in, Then, It started to come out the other side. I grabbed it and pulled it into the back hall, I saved and quited it for it. I came back into the back alley and brought the 2 doors and placed them on top of the box and geomerge'd it as I usually do, And Viola!! But also, I had to do this twice becasue the 1st time I did, It went into the ground. =[ SadFace. I hope this helped those of you who were wondering how to geo-merge it into the back alley. Also, It is'nt Entirely straight becasue it's very hard to get "Perfectly" straight.

  9. TheRagingBeast

    TheRagingBeast Ancient
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    this map is okay, nice merging. but to get on ALL the structures you have to jump, this map is all jumping and that can get annoying. add a few more ramps
  10. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    Interesting layout, Im glad you made sure to say that Linubidix approved it, cause i can picture a complete idiot going...

    " OMG u stool Linubidix map, Iz going to erports to Tex!!!111!"

    Youve done a great job, 5/5 or 10/10, depending on how respectful you are.

    I give a 8/8

    Desert Rat 852
  11. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Nice map, like someone said, not the most creative but it's very good.
    The bases in my opinion look a bit simple and boxy, try out some aesthetic things and Interlock some stuff into the the boxes so they don't look so squary.
    Difference in height in a map is an important thing and I can see alot of it in this map, there's alot of diferent boxes stacked up, and/or floating.

    The Interlocking of your map looks pretty good, the Geo Merging is amazing, especially the back alley box looks like it used alot of time and skill to have it there in the back alley.
    I also see you "double" merged alot. And what I mean by that is that you Geo Merged in the ground, aswell as in the wall. Which is a great thing to see.

    The assymetric layout of this map looks amazingly well done, I can see some slight experimenting with Walls etc, some aesthetic touches, and competitive placement.
    Movable objects look like there's alot in this map which I like, it adds a bit of a "realistic" touch the map.

    From what I can see, weapon placement looks fantastic, the Ghost will have a big deal in the gameplay, but it could also add a negative touch because the map is a bit unsuspecting and sometimes, enclosed.
    What I don't like from the equipment, that it is sort of overloaded with.
    For instance, there are four types of grenades, you have all of them, and you also have both of the powerups, that doesn't matter but I'm pointing the most at the grenades.
    Also there's four equipment types, I mean Flare, Regenerator, etc.
    There are too many, else, this map is great and I have nothing about it to say anymore.

    What also is a positive thing about this map, is that it supports pretty much of the gametypes, and it also takes out all of Foundry, and that is a very great thing to have in a map like yours.

    I'm going to DL and see how the map plays, I might edit my post then!

    Oh and BTW, if you want to see the amount of weapons, equipment or anything else, go to the specific, for example, weapon, and press X, then you can see the amount of them.

    Lulz, now that I have read the new Forging 101 update, I think you should Geo Merge just a bit less, also, try making the boxes that are Interlocked and have those "edges", move them a bit so the edges dissapear, just for some aesthetic awesomeness.

    In the first screenie you have shown some weapons and the map, I can see some edges by the Bridges and some other boxes.
    What I further have to say about this picture is that there are, well the main weapons/equipment on the screenie are the Spike grenades, the Plasma Rifle, and another one that I don't remember.
    What is wrong with this?
    They're too close together, this not good and could possibly make people instantly go there and arm themselves with some weapons and equipment, and maybe even camp there by the Spike grenades.

    What you could also do is connecting all of the bases, I think that that will add some more virtual "hype" for the map, also, make the boxes more unboxy, like I said, and also what I'd like to see in a possible V2, is a more spreaded around weapon layout.
    What I don't see is an "overuse" in spawn points, which in this case is positive.
    The lack of spawn points is something that annoys me a bit and it will give a negative feeling to the gameplay.
    So add some Spawn Points for the map to have people spawning more around, and so there isn't going to be spawn killing in your map, and that is just a thing that is a problem with maps, if you get this perfect, you'll amaze me.
    #11 Ryan. K., Sep 21, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2008
    Ak Gumby, TNF and evan12075 like this.
  12. extreme 96

    extreme 96 Ancient
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    i love the floating beam rifle. nice map 4/5
  13. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    wow the merging and interlocking soo clean :p but, i do think its too open...yes it'll save you from sniper bullet, but will it save you from an a atomic bomb! (jk)
    But really good job.
    ( ill dl and have a better look ;D )

    MAGIC_MAN Ancient
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    there is alot of geomerging and interlocking here very good job 5/5
  15. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Geomerging is always a great thing when making a map. But just because every object in the map is geomerged, it doesn't mean the map has perfect gameplay. I like your map, it has great features, and looks like it'd be pretty fun. But it seems unoriginal because it's similar to most Foundry maps made today, box islands around the map. What a really good thing to do is when you make maps is not only plan it out in advance, but make it possible to set up on, or hold a position. If a map is just a bunch of boxes, its gameplay can appeal to some players, but to other, why not just play on a default map? What I'm saying is, you have great potential and patience to forge, and if you're really looking for a feature I have some tips.

    First off, make the map have at least one, "Base." What I mean by this is to have something other than a double box interlocked with another double box with a flag on it. Try to build something that you commonly see in most Halo 2 and 3 maps, like on High Ground, there's one obvious base. That really helps the map play for objective gametypes.

    Secondly, think about playing on the map when you make it. When you put a double box with two hard to reach jumps to get the top of it on the ground; would you really take the time to get to the top in an average game? When you do this, there aren't any unused parts of your map, or places that people don't bother to go to.

    Lastly, make positions on the map that you can "Set up" on. This is a common technique that most MLG players use to control parts of the map in objective and slayer based gametypes. Making your map able to set up on makes it easier and more fun for players to play objective and slayer gametypes. For example, if you had a well thought out sniper tower in your map, on person could sit there with the sniper while you grabbed the flag. They could protect you from that position while you score. I'm not saying you have to make a sniper tower, but sometimes when the map mainly consists of towers or boxes, instead of it being a map, it's just similar to an empty Foundry with cover everywhere.

    There's plenty of other things but you probably don't want to hear them. Maybe you wanted your map to be a series of boxes, if so, sorry about wasting your time with this post. Hopefully you can take some of these things into consideration next time you make a map. Good luck, you have great forging potential. I'll download and check out your map.
    evan12075 likes this.
  16. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    You have made your point and that is correct, Geo-Merging does not make a map perfect, In my opinion, It's just about the gameplay. Some maps have bad gameplay and other's have good. You have made quite a post with a lot of information. Also, I did'nt want my map to be a series of boxes placed around the map, Yes, It's kind of boxy but wall's would kust make it retarded looking.

    The map's most best and recommended gametype is probably Free-For-All Slayer. It plays extremely well on the map. I will soon start to make a V2 if I can and hopefully get gameplay pictures up. I testsed the map in FFA Slayer, Team Slayer with 2 v 2 was very fun, FFA King of the Hill, and that was it. The map has a good weapon set and they all liked it and they said it was going to be a good addition to keep on their hardrive.

    If you all think that the map is a little too open then I'll fix that as soon as possible, I would like to thank Gannon347, JohnPaul19 and my little brother for helping me test the map. I would also like to thank the people who have given me positive rep, I was on -18 and 1 person gave me rep and it went up to 59 points, Special thanks to all those who gave me the other good rep.

    If I get much more comments about it being too open and maybe the weapon set is'nt good, Then a V2 will be posted as soon as more comments start to come in. For the moment, I might think about making a V2 or and updated version. Thank you all for your time to read and comment about my map.

    Ryan. K. likes this.
  17. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    The geomerging on the map is nice. The back alley thing is pretty sweet, better than when i attempted to do it.The map gets a 4/5 for me.Also i loved the upside down geomerged open single and double boxes,i can never do that
  18. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I would like to know what you think he could do to make this map better.

    Ok for the map, I think that the geomerging and interlocking are excellent, I dont think you could have got cleaner with it.

    I personally think you could have added more aesthetics to make it look nicer.

    Overall I think its a cool map, could be great with sway but I would add more cover for that.
  19. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    hm looks good, i like the different levels and the geo merging in the hallway, ill dl and get back to you
    STEClash96 likes this.
  20. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    Wow there is a awful lot of geomerging well done on that, but its to open for me try enclosing it a little. 6.4/10

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