Hell all, I am ScarFac3d, you may better know me as "The Guy Who Made Those Skate Park Maps." I come to you all now for help on a video I am making, a Skate Park "Montage", persay. Using either one of my two Skate Park maps, please get some really good footage of you doing a trick, or a run, etc. If you would rather join a party with me and do the tricks together that is also fine, just PM me your Gamertag, when you are usually on, etc. Two examples of what would be good. Please not that although these videos use brute shots, you can do whatever you want, add mancannons, use weapons, etc. Video 1 and Video 2. Link to maps: Skate Park 1 and Skate Park 2 If your footy is good, I will tell you and it will most likely get into the video.
I will, and hope to, help you edit your future films, as I'm experienced with sony vegas pro 8 Anyways, never thought of using a brute shot, stupid me....those clips are EPIC!!!
Lol, nah, I have some other people editing for me, and they are AMAZING! You may know them, Tex and Ragegummy, however, you can also make a montage with me if you like.
I played those maps by myself and was frustrated with how I couldn't do many cool tricks. Now I see how its done!
actually, i'd like that, so can I just have some of your footage uploaded to rapidshare.com for me, so i can get started? My ***** mother took my xbox away, therefore, I cant make it WITH you, if you get what i am saying....so, rar the clips, and upload them to RapidShare: Easy Filehosting and ill get started immediately!
lol this reminds me CNN.com - Study: New study shows that fellatio may reduce the risk of breast cancer - Oct. 2, 2003 posted a while back....
I have contributed. Where the **** is my sex? JK, a rocket launcher actually works a lot better than I had thought it would. You get like 40 feet of air. I expected it to completely destroy the mongoose, but it made for some great footage. And this, good sir, is what they call prostitution.
make sure to give it to me when you're done, no matter if someone else is doing it, I need clips (seeing as i dont have my xbox) and I'd like some work!!!
Well, I have a REALLY good clip that I put on my fileshare, called epic, but I don't know how to upload it =(