View of Lunaria from space DOWNLOAD MAP Download Moon Ball An abandoned Moon base. Resembles Construct and the things you love in Epitaph. FFA/BALL/KotH 2-6 players This is a "remake" of the first map I ever made, except this time I used the budget glitch so I could truly make what I first envisioned. Of course due to Foundry, this will never be possible, but after 3 months of on and off forging, it's as close as I'm gonna get. It plays Slayer, Ball, and Hill, both standard Bungie gametypes as well as 'Moon Ball', the low gravity moon gametype made specially for this map. View from Rocket Spawn (B side to the left, A side to the right) This is obviously the area you want to control, seeing as its the highest spot on the map (other than the floating pallet), and rockets spawn up here. It's harder to hold downthan it looks, cause not only will people be teleporting in from either side, but there will also be people coming up the lift behind you. Rocket Lift This lift will take you up to rockets, and most likely take you pretty close to the edge furthest away from where the rockets spawn, so you want to be looking back at the lift as you go over just in case someones camping directly on the other side of the wall. Rocket Spawn (Notice the lift behind the wall) The rockets are set to spawn every 3 minutes, and only have 2 shots in them so they aren't as powerful as they seem. Hammer & Tele (Goes to either A or B Rocket Tele) I put the Hammer here as a counter to the rockets. This way, you can go through the teleporter and (maybe) deflect any rockets away, or just kill someone camping up there waiting for the rocks to respawn. View from Hammer towards Lift A Rocket Receiver Tele (Not 2 way!) There's also a frag that spawns to the left of the receiver (you can't see it in the pic) that you can use against someone who might be camping up at rocket spawn. B Rocket Receiver Tele (Not 2 way!) Same thing here, there's a frag just to the right of the teleporter that you automatically pick up when you go through. Low A Tele (Goes to Low B Tele) Low B Tele (Goes to Low A Tele) These two teleporters are obviously the most frustrating part in a 1v1, but is it honestly that hard to just throw a nade over to the other side and then beat down as you go through, or to just grab camo and creep around? A Hall B Hall These two halls are what you would see if you're dropping down from either of the receiver nodes that are to the sides of the rocket spawn. View from Sword Sword Spawn (Right above geo-merged lift) You can easily jump up to the sword spawn in the Moon Ball gametype with the lowered gravity, but when playing with regular settings you need to jump on the walls that stick out just to the sides of the A & B signs that you can barely see in this pic. View from Bottom Lift Usable geo-merged Lift Close-up of the Lift Lunaria has 4 different stories spread out at different levels, so the map feels really big, yet enclosed at the same time. The first map resembled Construct a lot more than this one, but it still does have the same feel. If you look hard enough, you can also spot some similarities to Epitaph. I'm not really sure if that's a good thing, but you can make of it whatever you want. I decided to throw in a lot of weapons on this. A lot of people like using the BR, some people like the AR, and other people like using Plasma Rifles. I threw in weapons everywhere, and every spawn has a weapon other than the one you spawned with close-by, so you can always pick-up something new to fool around with. I decided to call it Lunaria because I was screwing around with the gravity, and it was really fun to play with lower gravity, just like you were playing on the moon. I then tried playing slayer, ball, and koth with it, and it was great. You could jump up to higher levels than you could on normal gravity, but you were a little slower so it balanced out. Although this plays great with normal gametypes, playing with the lower gravity adds a whole new element to gameplay that improves it in my opinion. -Weapons- 4x Battle Rifles 2x Maulers 2x SMGs 2x Plasma Rifles 1x Plasma Pistol 1x Rocket Lawnchair 1x Hammer 1x Energy Sward -Equipment- 1x Bubble Shield 2x Frags 2x Plasmas 1x Camo DOWNLOAD MAP Download Moon Ball
Interesting, I can Definatly see the some similarities to Epitaph and Contruct. I like how you used the Danger sign, it seems like more and more people are using that these days. My Que is full, so I cant DL now. But I will Later, you can be sure of that! Cheers! Desert Rat 852
a map used for lw gravity? definetly a new idea, although im thinking nades will be useless... ill dl and tell u what i think( the lift looks sexy)
It's usable, but shoots you differently depending on the gravity. In the moon gravity, you can get up to the bubble shield ledge. In normal gravity, it usually doesn't push you that far, but there's two lower ledges on the sides you can get up to where the plasma rifles spawn, from which you can jump up to the main platform. It's hard to see in the pics, I'm thinking I should maybe take a few more. EDIT: Heres a better pic
I lol'd because I know a certain secret from silencebrokn haha jk I had a similiar design to a map I was making like this a while back, but I just dropped it, so whatever nevermind that! As for the map, don't you think that narrow hallway is a bit too small for rockets? Also, I'd like it if that lift was usable, cuz it'd be fun to just fly around!
I really like the aesthetics of this map, it doesn't look like anything else! The tall walls give it a neat look =) I think that gameplay would probably be enjoyable so I will definitely download. very well done 5/5 PS: good job with the geomerged lift! PSS Sdrakulich, nobody cares if you made a similar map...
Yes, the merged lift is usable, but it's used differently depending on the gametype. The reason I put rockets up there in the narrow is because there's actually 3 ways up right at the rocket spawn(there's a lift to get up the back), and there's also two side 'hallways' going off from the top of the merged lift, so it's not really as 'narrow' as it seems. There's also only 2 shots in them, and they spawn every 3 minutes, so it's not as bad as it seems.
Understandable, because the pictures dont show much you know... I'm not saying they are bad pictures, I am saying that the map itself doesnt allow for that, so I would add something saying that in the OP, like in different colors so it is seen.... As for the rockets, they should be there, or switched better yet with the covenant one....cant quite remember the name just now...............
The rockets would annihilate in such cramped quarters. That geomerged lift is sexy and i like how you compensated for it in both high and low gravity games. The multiple floors are awesome. I suggest you add a needler, a brute shot, or a sniper in place of those rockets. Great map. I will DL.
I don't think that rockets on this map are much of a problem but you might want to replace it with a bruteshot and see if that works, I dunno...
I thought about that when I was first making it, but brute shots are usually what people use to get out with, and I wanted to make this un-breakable. I stand by my choice of choosing rockets over anything else. There's only 2 shots in them, and they respawn every 3 minutes, so they're really only on the map for a few seconds once someone pics them up. There are a lot of ways to get up there and a lot more to this map than what shows in the pics, I guess I should really add some more.
I see why you decided against a brute shot. If the rockets only have 2 shots and a 3 min respawn I do not think they will overpower the map much. I would really appreciate it if you took more pictures, I'm sure there are parts of this map that are not in the pics and I would like to see them! Good job =)
Can this map be played for team slayer? BTW I love the layout.The elevators are very cool i like how the pallet is floating in the middle and the really cool shield door floor under it. Yes i downloaded it and i love it 4/5
Yeah, it plays with Slayer, Ball, and KoTH for up to 6 players. I just made Moon Ball as an extra gametype because playing on lower gravity on this plays really well.