Forgehub does not condone piracy, and it urges its members not to engage in any acts pertaining to piracy - TexturedSun Well i just downloaded spore and i have to say its a really "fun" game! I first i thought the game would be like just some kind of creature simulator, but its not. The game is much more complicated than that. Its like recreating the world of humans and replacing them with your dominate creature. You start off the game as just a cell. This is the first stage of the game and technically the first stage for all living organisms. As a cell you have to "adapt" to your environment, eat food according to your diet(Herbivore,Carnivore, or Omnivore. I think omnivore is a special diet, because you can't pick it as your initial diet. It has to be obtained through eating both red meat and green stuff. IDK.), and survive! You will be given "DNA points" when you eat your diets food. Then you could spend your DNA points on stuff like spikes to attack enemies, "jets" to make your move faster, etc. But you have to find these unlockables on other cells and/or "meteor bits." The cell stage is kinda short, but its very fun. The next stage is the creature stage. This is where your cell evolves and the game goes into a 3-D setting, enabling you to add legs to your creature. As a creature you can hunt other creatures or befriend and make packs, or alliances. Its easier to hunt other creatures but this will have a consequence at the end of the stage. Every time you end a stage your actions in that stage will be measured up and it will determine what skills and abilities you will have in the next stage. Carnivores are like the aggressive creatures who have like all the offensive abilities, herbivores are the peaceful creatures and have the less aggressive and more beneficial abilities. Its all by you choice if they're peaceful. Omnivores are like the neutral group. They have the abilities that doesn't involves to much with the other groups. Their abilities usually are there to help themselves out. The only way to access omnivore skills is if you mix up your habits a little bit, Do both herbivore and carnivore stuff to set your consequence to omnivore. And if you want your creature to be omnivore you have to do things of the herbivores and carnivores during the cell stage (Remember this will have an effect on what stuff you will be able to obtain in other stages after the cell stage). Back to topic, after creature stage, its the tribal stage. My favorite stage. Your creatures brain has fully developed and now your creature is well on its way of becoming the dominate species, like Humans. You will have to domesticate or hunt the creatures who brains didn't develop and use them as pets(domesticate) or eat them(hunt). In order to get food you need to either hunt creatures or pillage other tribes villages. You can get to but new huts with special attributes to either befriend other villages or attack them. Attacking or befriending other villages will propel you to the next stage (remember, Consequences. Do more of something will allow you to have that groups abilities, IE attacking will let you have aggressive abilities and vice versa). The civilization stage is the stage where you creature is now the dominate creature and you have to establish cities, make money, protect your cites, deal business with other cities, etc. In this stage you will have to create cars, planes, boats, and of course a City Hall. To finish this stage you will either have to befriend or attack other cities. At the end of the stage you will have to create a space station. After that you are now in the Space stage. I haven't completed the space stage yet. The creature and space stages have to be the longest stages in this game. There are a lot of things you have to do in the space stage. And i mean "A LOT" of things. All in all, this game is fun, and i really recommend you guys play it. Spore: Cell Stage Spore: Creature Stage Spore: Tribal Stage Spore: Civilization Stage Spore: Space Stage
Don't download pirated games. Not cool. You said the game was fun, and better than you thought it would be. Obviously you enjoyed it, but then at the end of the post you talked about downloading it. Stealing. Unacceptable.
It is in this case as buying it from EA only allows you to rent the game. You can only download the game 5 times and you have to be online to download. At any time, EA can stop the downloads.
I know about the DRM. If you don't like the DRM, don't buy the game. Consider the DRM like a feature. You don't like that feature of the game, you don't buy the game. If you don't buy the game, you don't get the game for free either. It's exactly what people are doing though. Its stealing. Its not right.
I have the game, (dont worry, I bought it) and I have to say it is a piece of crap. It is fun for the first like day and then its so repetitive it gets annoying. I thought it would have online, kind of like WoW, but I was dissapointed. DONT BUY SPORE!
But its free, and its not really stealing...You can always delete it. Plus, who buys computer games anymore? Everyone downloads them. My bro just finish downloading the entire Sims 2 series yesterday. I still buy console games, but if its a PC game, i will try to see if anybody has it available for download... It kinda is repetitive, but the game has alot of replay value. I thought it was fun, and i recommend people buy it, or download it, whatever....
If you download the game without paying for it, the developers and publishers get less money for a game they spent years creating. You not paying for it is you stealing money from them. Delete it? So what? You already got the game by stealing it, it changes nothing. You already took money from the people who created it. Just because everyone does it does not make it right. Your brother is a theif. Whats the difference between console and PC games? This isn't downloading music to get word out about a little know band, this is stealing money from developers and publishers who spent years creating a game that you said you thought was fun.
And that's why people are robbing it. EA made a deadly combination in terms of sales. They hyped up the game too much and they put a bullshit 'feature.' Don't forget the feature can make the game be a useless disk. If developers are allowed to do that now, then gaming has gone down the drain. Anyone who supports DRM should be shot. No excusses. People don't want to buy it because of DRM but people still want to play it. So, they steal it. Eitheir way, epic fail EA, epic fail. Don't follow the same road with Red Alert 3.
If they want to play it then they can suck it up and just buy the game and deal with the DRM. Just because you don't like one part of a game doesn't mean you get the game for free, without that part. It's not right. You can't spin it as "oh, its because this thing is crap, so its okay". No matter what you say, you're still stealing it, and thats still wrong.
You must not be very creative. My friend has been making all kinds of planets/building/creatures for days now.
I bought Spore! Why does everybody think i pirated it? I just said you can download the game for free somewhere. I didn't think everyone would act like a saint about pirating games, because i know for a fact that you guys would download a pirated game if you had the chance to. But anyway, me and my bro just got a DS emulator. We're playing DS games on our computer! But there is a little problem with the game TWEWY. All the characters in the touch screen is black, but the rest of the games works fine... TWEWY: The World Ends With You (For those who are going to ask...)
I only buy computer games from respectable companies like Blizzard. Especially since Blizzard games (like Starcraft) is extremely difficult to pirate.
First of all, piracy isn't stealing. I'll refer to this fun little chart. Now then. The DRM for Spore states that you can only download it 5 times. In what way is that renting it? Unless you have more than 5 computers, why would it even be a problem for you? People who say that they pirate because there's DRM or whatnot are idiots. I can understand if you're gonna pirate stuff because you're cheap and all, but just stealing it because there's DRM or whatnot? You're not setting an example to the company; you're just forcing them to spend more money on protecting their products. Also, yeah, Spore looks fun. I might get it some day.
There seems to be a problem in your theory Nemi, or should I say... Photoshopper! It's obvious, I was doing some investigating. I was x-raying the paper, and I found a secret. Check the differences, see if you find it. Thus, proving Nemi guilty...fufufufu
In theory, but you're still an r-tard. Also, 'tis funny how the image you put up links back to your photobucket account.
I found out about spore a while back now, so i decided to download the demo version as there was so much hype around it and i had heard a friend talk wonders about it. At first i found it fun, but once the novelty of making your own creatures weared off, it became pretty boring and repetitive. I decided not to buy the full game in the end and deleted the demo. It was fun for a good 3 hours.
I want this game so bad a truly original game though the tribal stage thing reminds me of Viva Pinata.