Wow. You need to post around here a lot more. This looks fantastic. I bet BRs and such really own here. At first I thought there wasn't enough cover, but looking at it now, it doesn't. It reminds me a lot of Narrows and Halo PC Gephyrophobia. Normally I see a lot of Blackout maps that are too dark also, but this looks just perfect. Great job man. +rep BTW: Did you use a floating canvas as a guide, or did you make this from scratch?
Unfortunately this is wrong. One of the members in my group in my sig got out.(thats our specialty) The film will be uploaded soon.
If Leonardo da Vinci made a Halo map, this would be the Mona Lisa. I love the fact that people are taking advantage of the ability to build maps outside of Blackout. This map is truly amazing. 5/5 from me and a definate download. I really hope that people see the beauty of this map. I truly hope this map gets feautured. Keep up the good work!
WOW... this is the best blackout map I have EVER seen. I wish I had this kind of skill to make a map like this on Blackout or something.
Ok buddy you're the reason why I absolutely HATE not having my xbox (I swear to GOD that this has been one of the longest week in my life). I'm saving this thread so I can download the map when I get my xbox back. But honestly, this goes right up there with Mallet's Lunar Chronicles and Debo's Interrobang. This should be seriously considered for the front page. I like the man-cannon lights, the bluish purple light that comes off of those adds an amazing feel to this map from looking at the pics. Oh its gonna be a looooooooong 1-2 weeks.
Wow. This looks quite good. Myself being a maker of a fairly famous floating Blackout map (Interrobang, you might have heard of it), I know exactly how hard and painful it is to make a good one. I'm downloading now, and I will do a Forge-through and come back with some feedback!! Seriously though, your "trophy shot" for this map made me **** bricks. AWESOME!
Only retards would not love this map. You are truly an amazing forger this must have taken you ages and you really did a great job on this ill get back to you when i play a game of BTB on this. Great job and ill reccomend it for a feature if gameplay is just as good.
wow just wow this is amazing this is the map you show to some one who said you can't forge a good map on blackout
Ok im back with a review. The map layout is incredible, the interlocking is perfect and the weapons are placed flawlessly. The gameplay work quite well also. The map is hard to see in but its not a big deal.5/5 However, like promised, the famous escape found by idiotninja(FH)/cheesepuffs96(GT) click here for escape film
Okay. After doing a Forge-through, here's my review! I rate each category on a scale of 1-10. Map Layout-9/10 The map has a symmetrical layout, crosswise. Each base is identical; for instance the Sniper Rifles are always in the back-right corner of each base. This is the opposite of literal symmetry (as in Narrows). You've really pulled off the layout well, and it's fairly easy to learn. Noobs would not be confused when playing this map, which is a definite plus. At times it can be hard to tell which side you're on, but that is somewhat remedied by the ability to use default Blackout as a reference point, as well as the floating boxes. Excellent job. Map Geometry- 10/10 The map's geometry is EXTREMELY beautiful. Every interlock is perfect or near-perfect, and the precision of your interlocks is exemplified with the Traxus logo showing on the Rocket bridge. That's a very precise interlock, as the bump layer of the logo is exceptionally small. The only noteworthy motion bumps on the map are caused by the slant of the boxes' corners, and since that was obviously intentional I won't deduct any points. Awesome job. You'd make any OCD-plagued Forger proud. Aesthetics- 10/10 You've done everything perfectly for Blackout, including adding bright objects for the sake of light. The Staircase structure in the center of the map is very creatively done, with its interlocked powerups and connecting teleporter at the top, even though it is possible to Brute Shot jump into them and get caught in a near infinite loop . The mancannons inside the boxes that form the ends of rows add a sexy glow to the map, and your base-marking powerups do their job quite well. The fusion coils on the map look great, but are a problem gameplay-wise. I'll get to that later. Great job with aesthetics however! You've done everything as perfectly as should have been. Weapon Placement- 9/10 You've not only placed the weapons fairly and symmetrically, but you've also taken into account that the map is dark and used brighter-colored weapons because of how much they stand out against the map's background. You've made use of the symmetry option, but how necessary it is for the main center weapons to switch from Human to Covenant theme depending on the gametype is questionable. It doesn't affect gameplay though, but if you're hurting for objects (you only have five left) or breaking framerate (which I don't think you are) it would be safe to only have one or the other (Fuel Rod/Rockets or Sword/Shotgun). As for the amount of weapons on the map, it is a little bit high. I can't see the four Magnums getting much use (they're generally avoided), nor can I see the four Spikers (they're off the beaten path) or the Assault Rifles (since most gametypes have them as starting weapons). I can understand leaving two ARs for the sake of BR start gametypes though. Also, it would be wise of you to remove the weapons from the center platform of Blackout. I understand that they're a "trademark" of sorts, but they're counting toward your object limit. I'll explain why that's bad in the next section. Spawning- 6/10 This is where your map needs some improvement. Most of this map's respawn points are out in the open, and that could potentially be a problem with the relative abundance of ranged weapons like the BR and Carbine. Spawn points should generally be fairly protected, but I understand that it's hard to do so on a map like this. Spawn points aren't your major issue here. The main issue is the fact that you have not used ANY Respawn Areas in any gametype whatsoever. This makes the map function as one giant Respawn Area, and could lead to some very undesirable gameplay moments. On your map, players will automatically spawn as far away from enemies as possible. In a large Free For All game, where multiple points of the map are under control, players will very likely spawn in the open, and practically on top of enemies. This is also a negative in that players could potentially spawn in an enemy team's base during a Capture the Flag or Assault game, which would be bad bad bad. I suggest removing a lot of unnecessary objects in order to add suitable Respawn Areas to your gametypes, and reading Devinish's Advanced Guide to Respawns for help in doing so. Objective Layout- 6/10 There is no great guide to Objective Item Placement, so I can't blame you for not doing so well here (don't worry- I'm in the process of writing one!). Anyway, your Objective setups as a whole aren't bad for your first try. Of course, you lack Respawn Areas, which could be problematic. As for a gametype by gametype breakdown: Capture the Flag: You must add Respawn Areas!! On the plus side, the flags/capture points are placed correctly. Slayer: Add Respawn Areas if you feel that they are necessary. I would advise that you do so. Oddball: You need to change the Ball Spawn points around. As of the present, gameplay is entirely centered on the middle structure; there are even two Ball Spawn points in the bottom area. There should be one Ball Spawn at most down there, in addition to some more in various places around the map. The one on the very top is fine, one in the bottom would be alright, and one closer to each base would be great (possibly one on each of the Doors that hold Carbines?). Respawn Areas aren't necessary but could be used if you wished to. King of the Hill: Your hills are just fine. The one in the center is quite big though, but it's up to you whether or not you leave it as is. If you do change it, I suggest decreasing the radius to 4.00 for the sake of making it a harder hill to maintain control of. Other than that, you can add Respawn Areas if you want, but they aren't truly necessary. VIP: Four of your Go To Points are fine, but there is a fifth one you didn't notice still left on Default Blackout. It's underneath the "protective" boxes leading up to BR tower, and should be removed. You should probably add Respawn Areas to VIP since it's a two-team gametype. Juggernaut: Perfectly fine the way it is. No changes necessary. Territories: Minus the lack of Respawn Areas (which are necessary in this gametype), you've done a great job of setting it up for both Symmetrical and Asymmetric gametypes. Bravo! Assault: No offense, but Assault is set up terribly. You only placed one Starting Point, for the Attackers, and no point exists for the Defenders. Not only that, but you neglected to place Bomb Spawn points for each team, meaning that each team's Bomb will spawn on regular Blackout when a game is played. You've also placed a Neutral Bomb Spawn point on your map with an "Asymmetric" designation; Neutral Bomb is a Symmetrical gametype. In addition, there is a Neutral Bomb Spawn point on regular Blackout, underneath the central platform set to Both; it must be removed. This map has major potential for Assault, and I'm sad to say that it's completely incompatible with the gametype. Not to mention its lack of Respawn Areas. Infection: Fine as is. No problems at all! Containment-8/10 The map is escapable, and in a particularly easy way. You must simply jump while shooting the central Fusion Coils nearest the Defenders' side, and you will land on top of Blackout's Library (or Rec Room, whatever you want to call it). It may be possible to Tripmine jump, Brute Shot Jump, Fuel Rod Jump, or Rocket Jump off of the map, but I couldn't do so successfully. Maybe someone skilled in the art of escape like Buddhacrane could do it. OVERALL RATING: 82.9% (average of component scores) My apologies for being so harsh, but this map is amazing and I want to see it live up to its full potential. Make some or most of my recommended changes, and I will be 100% behind suggesting this for a feature. As it stands, Collision is a very beautiful map but its gameplay is slightly lacking. EXCELLENT job, especially for a Blackout map, and I look forward to seeing the final version of this baby on ForgeHub's front page!!!
For your first post this is amazing! I would have to rate this map a 4.5/5 just because I believe that there is always room to improve. Luckily for you I round up so this is a 5/5 technically. Anyways the map isn't on foundry, which is always nice in my opinion. I think that the map looks very creative and is interlocked to perfection. The only thing I have doubts about is how well you can see on the map. Overall I like it a lot. Keep up the good work!
Yes, the map is incredible, and the Post is nothing short of amazing! I dont think a 5/5 is good enough to rate this map. There are very small places that you could improve, but that isn't that big of a deal. Wow Debo37, longest post i have ever seen o.0
I just love this map! I like that you used man cannons as lights. I like the aesthetics and layout. I love the attention to detail and clean interlocking. The spawns are a little funky but this is still one of the best blackout maps I have seen. I haven't seen a map made in that part of the sky either. Exellent job! =) 4.9/5
When I first saw this map I was completely speechless. I don't see much floating maps on blackout but this is the bomb. If there was a top 3 map list for blackout, this would definitely be in it. You did a hell of a great job on your map. It also looks very fun. How long did it take you to make it? (PM me)
Just add water and you've got Insta-Feature! I have to say though, this is very impressive, and from what I've seen, you have great potential in making maps. Outside-Maps have always appealed to me. From the mountains of Narrows to the edges of Construct, I've always enjoyed what the creator had done. Blackout maps started out as all maps do, then it had the occurrence of floating platforms here and there. There were some that merely added to Blackouts original design (still fun) and then there was those that were fully suspended, away from the original layout. The most memorable of these, was Interrobang, and it was amazing. Never before had anyone seen such a large, floating map on the outside of Blackout, and was visually appealing as well. The only thing I disliked about that map, was the darkness. Collision reminds me of a map from a previous Halo game, yet I can't quite remember. Aside from that, I want to start out by saying this map is quite original and unique in many ways. I started off at the base, and I looked around and saw your weapon placement. For the most part, I liked it. Have only 1 clip in the Sniper seemed reasonable. The shape of this map is what makes it truly different. You managed to make an excellent symmetrical map while focusing on the length of map. The different levels at the beginning is a little bumpy, but aesthetically it's great. The center structure manages to make it the focus of the map, and I can expect a lot of CQB in that area. I can tell that the shotgun spawn will offer some unique firefights with all of the different levels provided. The short ranged teleporters seems as if they'd become useful in objective based games especially, providing quicker transport to the center of the map. I tried getting out of the map, and with use of a fusion coil, I succeeded. =) I tried getting on top of the center structure, and I feel I can with more practice. I tested this map for HLG, and it only provides one spot, and that's in the shotgun area under one of the platforms. (it's low priority) I feel that if I took a movable object and pushed it off the edge and then jumped off of it that I could get inside one of the open boxes under the map. Overall, you've done an excellent job in creating this map. It's geometry is magnificent and I would love to see more maps created by you guys. =) My Rating: Map Design You've maintained balance with each level, although it's bumpy in areas, it adds to how the map is made, so I'll accept that it's intentional and was given for aesthetic purposes. The shape of this map is unique, with the center being the focus providing multiple levels. You've done a great job in creating the lower portion of the map (where the shotgun spawns), however this area will not be used for much other than to grab the shotgun and head back up. 9/10 Aesthetics The lighting is gorgeous, not having to play in such a dark area for once is great. Your use of man cannons as lights is very creative, and that it doesn't even look like them from above. The equipment in the centerpiece has been used numerous times, however I feel without it the map wouldn't be a eye-catching. Your scenery placement is good as well, and I'm glad you didn't overdo it. 10/10 Weapon Placement The limited clip sizes are truly a saver. I dislike the fact that a lot of dual wielding is available, especially with the Spikers, seeing as how they'll go unused most of the time. You did do one thing good with the plasma rifles, they go great with a magnum. As for the snipers spawn, it's flawless. Being symmetrical for each team, and providing only a single clip, wont cause people to scare away from open areas. BR and Carbine placement is good as well, and the single shotgun will reduce shotgun whoring. 9/10 Spawn Placement The respawn points are in good locations it seems, however I saw many neutral starting/respawn points. The lack of respawn areas can cause respawns to screw up and cause unpredictable spawning as well as spawn killing. I advise not having neutral starting points either, because I once forgot to change this on one of my maps and it ruined the whole map. I later had to go back and fix it. 4/10 Overall Rating (not averaged) This map is excellent, feature worthy for sure. It will keep peoples attention for a while, and replayibility will be substantial. Hardly any flaws makes this map a must in my collections, and I could say the same for many others here at ForgeHub. I suggest revisiting this map though, and releasing a v2 to fix some of the minor issues with spawning and objective placement. Great job overall! 8/10
I second Bebo37 and Jimbodawg. This map is absolutely amazing. I'm not going to do a big review like them as they have pretty much covered all of the topics. I will say a few things though. I know how hard floating maps (especially on blackout) are to make as I have tried...and failed. This is outstanding because I can see that you put so much time and effort into it . When I first saw this I thought, "it's going to be too dark". But then I saw the powerups, man-cannons and teleporters. They completely light up the map. The layout is great too. It is unlike Debo37's Interrobang because it is pretty much symmetrical. The levels used are great for gameplay. Your wweapon choice is quite good too. I'm also backing this for a feature because you completely deserve it. Just finish it off in a few areas like the other two have said and it will be amazing! Great job 5/5
Great, It's finally posted and my name is on it like 5 times, the screenshots portray it very well and from what people have been saying its going to be very very popular.
this is seriously the best blackout map i ever seen but remember to take pics in custom and not in forge but this map is going to get feutured pretty fast. keep up the good wok assassin i want to see many more maps from you!