ty i was thinkin we could do the Hoth thing with Mags or somethin, u guys could prolly make an awesome ATAT redo while i could work on the battlefield stuffz...so many ideas for this i really want to try it omg
It's a good idea, but I honestly don't think we have the resources for something that large. I'd be willing to try I guess though on a weekend or something, not this weekend though cuz of TGIF.
well considering i probobly wont need to do much other than cover/weapons/spawns and balance it, the only thing that might be a problem is the 100 item limit :squirrel_wtf: i guess if i have time to do nothing ill start on it with mags but i kinda doubt we'll get far, considering i do have stuff to do this week (for once)
I was meaning item availability. I'd assume you're wanting to do this on Standoff. Standoff's Forge pallet is bleak, it's going to be a pretty tough project, especially taking weapons and stuff into consideration.
hm...i guess i could do Foundry if we had to, Standoff has some great enviroment tho, its just right (except for missing snow...)
Depending on how detailed you want to get, we may be able to use Standoff, but it's gonna be tough like I said.
I already mostly re-did the AT-AT actually, but ne ways, I thought you where wanting to build snowspeeders and turrets and all this crazy stuff, I guess I'm not quite clear on the plan.
I've seen two of these now and their both equally great. I think that you should have used something else other than the bridges for the legs but it looks fine either way. I still wait for my X-Wing though...sigh.