Ok i know what signatures are and all, but what I want to know is how to make such cool ones I see all the time. Is there some kind of sig making program out there? Or are you all just that good?
People make them custom. Using various tools and websites around the net. Photoshop, GIMP, Microsoft Paint, There are many many more.
umm its called photoshop, and for cheap people, and for awesome ones like lockdownn who arent cheap, just better at it, its called GIMP and yes, we are just that good
Lol it is called Adobe Photoshop. It allows you to edit pictures to make cool looking stuff. It is expensive, but you can get a free program off the internets called GIMP that is similar to PS. I'm OK at making sigs, but not great. I made the one in my sig right now. Feel free to critique it.
I KNEW IT! thanks for reassuring me though. Well actually, i was hoping there was some kind of Sig program... oh well. May as well start.
Photoshop and GIMP Photoshop and GIMP Photoshop and GIMP Photoshop and GIMP Photoshop and GIMP Wow is there an echo in here? Lol reference to before in that other thread lol.
RE: Echo reference.... That wouldn't be this thread would it, good sir? Lol But yea the programs stated above are what everyone uses. I've tried my hand at a few but I'm nowhere near as good as say, Lockdown or masterjelly or .core.
If there was a sig making program, everyone's sigs would suck, trust me. Never let an automated process define your creativity.
We're all just that good. Go into the Graphics and Arts forum and post a request in sig shop for one, or pm someone with a style you like and ask nicely for one. *First post outside of GaA and OT for past 6 months... IT BURNS*
As you must already know, people use Photoshop and GIMP, among various other programs. If you feel that you are not skillful enough to make a good one yourself, there are "sig shops" in the Graphics and Arts section of the forums.
I make my own usually. But I've been at it for about a month and still mine aren't that great. Just look at people's pictures in their signature. If you like it, and it doesn't say "made by whoever" then private message them and ask them (nicely) if they can make you one. Most people will.
Wtf?!?!?!?!?!?!?! if someone can do that stuff in MS paint, i think i will have to worship them. Theres no such thing as a specialized "sig making" program, there is only image editing programs. Most commonly used (in order) is Photoshop (if you can afford it, or get a cracked version (not reccommended)) Gimp Paint.net Some other obscure ones that arent as awesome as the above. So, basically, you get good at using those programs and eventually you learn to make sick fricken nasty sigs.
ok i use paint and photoshop alot and i do pretty good for someone who has been making sigs for 4 weeks. but i was wondering what is GIMP is it a website something u download on line or something you buy at the store? i feel n00bish.
I don't think it's possible to make one without losing you're money. If I wanted to, I could have made this whole sig using Microsoft Paint. The reason I didn't is because I couldn't get this cool text. I made the symbol look disrupted by using microsoft paint, you just have to be creative. Ask a sig maker to help you out.