13:Game of Death A guy kills his son and runs around in circles, laughing maniacally. Then a young Chinese boy takes over the world. Quite a messed up movie.
The worst EVER film that has the worst ending is: The Wizard Of Oz. The s******t movie I have ever seen in my life. If only the lion messed up the robot who then slit the girls neck by accident and then throw her body into the river or something.
Halo 2. I dont care if its not even a movie - there was cinematics and thats good enough for me. Seriously, that was such a dissapointment.
*shudders* Napoleon Dynamite should be f-in outlawed in all 50 states. Ooooh yea the Zodiac did just sort of end abruptly. I remember watchin it at the theaters with my dad, and right at the end I just yelled out "WHAT THE F**K THAT'S IT!?!?!" and about everyone in the theater started cracking up because we all thought the same thing even, my dad, and he's big on the no swearing. But my choice for worst ending is The Descent. Jesus Christ The f***ing Descent! THAT movie was total fail. I can sumarize it up like this: We take 4 or 5 (I forget) stupid-ass hikers and have them go into this mysterious, uncharted cave in the middle of freakin nowhere instead of going to the original cave they were gonna go to. While they're in the cave, let's have them run into these crazy little bald albinos that love human flesh. The end. That's it. Everyone except for one girl who has these wonderful little flashbacks of her daughter and the albinos dies, either by crazy mutant albino or by one of their stupid buddies (for example one person taps another on the shoulder and that person whips around with a pick axe type thing without even looking and sends it flying right through her throat. The one girl magically never gets killed and just stops to sit down in the cave and it ends! DONE! That's it! PERIOD!! Does she make it out alive? Do the crazy albinos eat her too? Nobody knows.........<play dramatic music>
American Gangster. Sort of. Just watched it tonight. At the end it says that he got out of prison and everyone else was OK and that made me happy but he was getting out and this door went up and he just walked out, no follow up for him in the movie. Luckily it is a true story so I just went online.
Exactly! Aliens decide that they hate earth for no reason. Aliens plan to kill us all 50000 years in advance. The plan fails because they forgot to bring a damn doctor, or at least some hazmat suits!