Well, I'm thinking about getting either a MacBook for myself, or an iPhone/iPod Touch. Now, If I get an iPhone/Touch I can get many other things such as video games, clothes, and other things. If I get the MacBook, it being quite expensive, I wouldn't get many other presents. Now, because my birthday is 4 days after Christmas I have an idea. I could get a MacBook for Christmas and a Touch for my birthday. Now, this would be highly unlikely, considering I just get money for my birthday, and it wouldn't be enough to buy the Touch. If I chose one, which should I choose? MacBook with little other present, or Touch with video games, clothes, etc.?
lol, bargaining with Santa are we? I'd personally go with the Macbook. Nothing is as awesome as your own lap top.
Somebodies spoiled lol. um, why not get the mac book for christmas, and you save up your birthday money for the Iphone. Seems like the smartest choice to me.
Macbook lol. And save up bday money for Touch. I'm sure if you either did some work or something, you could accumulate an amount of money.
Woah, is there an echo or something, I coulda sworn I just said that two posts down lol. Woah, is there an echo or something, I coulda sworn I just said that two posts down lol. Woah, is there an echo or something, I coulda sworn I just said that two posts down lol. Woah, is there an echo or something, I coulda sworn I just said that two posts down lol. I'm not sure.
Lol srry. I was just thinking the exact same thing. I have an iMac and they are like the greatest things ever. I just feel like it would be smartest choice to get a new computer before you get something that you are going to use with it. IDK. IDK IDK IDK IDK WTF IS GOING ON?
Sometimes there are promotions like when school started college students got a free iPod Touch with a MacBook (I'm pretty sure it was a Touch). Maybe they will bring it back at x-mas. Stores hire additional staff during X-mas. Work at Apple. Get discount.
If you buy a macbook, it might actually come with the iPod Touch. I've seen that deal quite a bit lately.
Do you have any basis to say that Raven? Or was it just an easy + in post count? I would appreciate if you elaborated instead of acting like a 6th grader on XBOX Live.
ok masterjelly, **** macs-every mac I've ever owned has shitted out and broke on me. Go windows-I have never owned a bad computer that runs windows OS.
Haha wat's with the echo. but yea I have to go with popular belief here and say that the laptop's the way to go. Plus, iPod touches are overrated IMHO.
But seriously, if money is an issue go for a PC. I've been looking around and for the same specs (in laptops) macbooks are 2x or 3x more expensive =/
I'd forgo a Mac and get this. HP tx2500z It's one of the cheapest tablet laptops I've seen so far. It also has this special deal where they can install 3 GB of memory for free, instead of the default 1 GB.
I just bought a PC laptop for 1,150 that has specs that blow most standard macs away. Plus windows is better IMO. You can get amazing everything for the price of a toned down mac. I say go PC. Macs are expensive for no good reason in my book. I hate to sound like a Mac-basher for no reason, but i have experience using them, and honestly, i just dont like the OS. No, but, seriously, if your looking for a laptop, dont go for a rediculously over-priced mac. the laptop that nami-pointed out is good. HP and Dell make terrific laptops, but they are CHEAP. I have 3 dell laptops in my family and all of them work beautifully. I say get a macbook if you want to, but IMO the competition right now is just so much more desirable. And the itouch is overrated too. But again, i just dont like macs, so call me biased. One final thing though - make sure you know alot about computers before you commit to buying a laptop. I made sure i knewexactly what i was doing, exactly what every part did and such, before i bought my laptop. You dont need to take it that far, but just make sure you know what you are getting. if you see that 1600$ mac with a 1.6 ghz cpu, 2 gigs of ram and 120 gig HD for example, and then you see a PC from Hp or dell of something for the same price but with a 2.2 ghz cpu, 3 gigs of ram and a 300 gig HD, you may not know what any of that means and instead just go for the mac. make sure you do your homework, and youll see why i like PCs.
i accually already have a laptop so i would go w/ the i phone. but since you dont then i guess get the mackbook. ehh... maybe get some games or clothes w/ your b-day money. happy early birthday!