How do I create a POW rescue situation?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by UNITQM, Feb 11, 2008.


    UNITQM Ancient
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    I was going to recreate the rescue of Jessica Lynch for the latest contest. My question is how would I be able to create a situation where there is someone in a cell (VIP) and this person can only be rescued from the outside. (get to a territory = rescued) I have already found a way to create a cell that can only be opened from the outside my problem is making it so that the captors can't use the same method to just kill the vip outright. My explanation is not that good, my apologies. Let me just make it a basic question. How do I create a POW rescue situation? THX

    p.s. love the site, new to the site, and looking for mature gamers to custom with
  2. magnet20

    magnet20 Ancient
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    Well, the easiest way I can think of (though not VIP) is a reverse assault gametype. The person with the bomb is "escorting" the hostage (the bomb) to the escape point (the bomb spot). You can use this to add multiple extraction points.

    UNITQM Ancient
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    That would work but defeat the purpose of what I am trying to do. On the other hand it would be boring to be the VIP if you were never rescued. Why do i feel like my head is about to explode? My original idea was to block off one of the small hallways in standoff with a non movable object and let the captured be released by opening the other side of the hallway via the switch. I just can't figure this one out. I want it to be more than just your standard CTF or Assault.
  4. xOWNAGEx29

    xOWNAGEx29 Ancient

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    Option Number 1: make a pit and have an EQUIPMENT version of the grav lift spawn at the soldiers base and so that the soldiers have to go infiltrate the defenders base and drop the gravlift down in the pit for the vip to get out of the pit and escorted to safety with.

    option Number 2: make a pit and have crate walls around the pit that are just stacked up and not made immovable so that the soldiers have to knock the crate wall over so that the vip can use the remains of the crate wall to get out of the pit.

    What do you think?
  5. slayersnake

    slayersnake Ancient
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    Well, if i understand what your trying to do you might be able to do this.
    The "rescue team" who is trying to save the VIP could spawn near some deplyable gravlifts. those could be used to get into a cage and out of if you spawn enough.

    hope it helps?

    UNITQM Ancient
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    After much more thinking I keep coming up with problems. Right now I have a open crate(indestructible type laid with opening facing up) with a shield door blocking the entrance (to keep out enemy grenades and gunfire). This crate is in the enemy base. The captured can't get out unless he jumps off of someones head or uses a deployable grav lift. The grav lifts spawn at the non-enemy or allies base. The allies must go to the enemy base drop a grav lift into the "jail cell" in order for the captured to get out. My delima is how do I keep the enemy team from droping into the cell and killing the captured. Also if the captured is killed what should happen? I am about to just make it a CTF map and be done with it. I like the ideas but I would have to start over from scratch.
  7. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Have a fence box, with an invinsible VIP. There is a teleporter sender in the box. Have a receiver covered with a crate on the outside. The attackers (rescuers) have to go and knock off the crate on the outside. I see no way of making it fun for the Vip, though... A reverse CTF or assualt game would work the best.
  8. Saito100

    Saito100 Ancient
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    Add Gamer720, and I will help, cool idea!

    UNITQM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for all the help. I will be getting on in about 1 1/2 hours if anyone wants to check it out. You guy's are right. The theory sounds good but this would be sooooo boring for the captured.

    Gamertag: I AM UNITQM
  10. voodoo

    voodoo Ancient
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    Just use VIP. If i remember correctly is it possible to force the VIP to spawn in a certain point, and then make the VIP invincible.
  11. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    Isn't there an Escort VIP variant? I don't much about VIP games, but I think that's how they do Rocket Racing, and that sounds like it might work. Still, being the VIP would suck. I think this has probably been tried before, and the reason why we've never heard of it is because it ended up being no fun. Sorry to burst your bubble man.

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