Browsing, I found this random image of a face. Can you guess what it is? UPDATE: Ladnil is correct, its a Construct Heat Map. Now that Ladnil ruined the fun, what are your thoughts on the image? I sure hope this is in the right forum... Anyways, let the guessing begin!!!
That looks like just the global heatmap of construct... Is it different from how it used to be or something?
Ding, Ding, Ding!!! You got it. Now you get plus rep. Did you look at the images URL? I should have thought of that.
It's really not that hard to tell it's Construct, I thought you were wanting to know what it looked like.
Sorry for ruining it then lol, I thought this was part of the whole hysteria over the Keep it Clean/Superintendent update. People over at are throwing out some really insane theories from simple stuff.
Maybe its a huge conspiracy: A group of tens of thousands of players who veto everything but Construct kill themselves or cause battles in the red areas. Then, observant people (like me) will look at the heat maps and then be able to figure out the secret of...
I have an idea! We should get together a bunch of people and make our own message on Avalanche! Lol jk. It's a pretty cool coincidence that it looks like a face.
Well, that face represents all the deaths and graves of the spartans before you. And the ghost is coming to kill you.
I'd be down. We should spell Halo 4 just to set off a storm by "Bungie's" hidden message in the heatmap when we post it on Would be pretty easy, just spell it with boxes and die on top of them in a custom game.