Today an update went out for those who use the Forge Hub Toolbar. It probably will automaticlly update, but you can re-install the toolbar if it doesn't. Update 1. Pop-up blocker 2. The Chat button now brings you to the IRC Chat page, not the chat feature that was in the toolbar. Eventual Updates 1) RSS News Feed 2) Forgecast player Visit T1 Productions Forge Hub Page for more information or T1 Productions Home for more tools, widgets, and stuff.
Forge Hub has a toolbar? Nice, I just downloaded it right now. The links that it has are useful for me because I go to both of those sites regularly.
Its been around for a while, I might actually make an RSS feed for the Front page and a podcast RSS, just so they can be on the toolbar, since we don't have one....
Oooh cool this site is just getting better and better... getting pretty serious now... Soon were gonna need to start making T-Shirts and building a secret underground Lair... - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck: