I still really dont know, i guess i can look back over the videos and choose the 5 I like best, but right now we are doing a "Live" competition for some kind of prize. I will make a thread later on it discussing times and rules, etc.
It has been a long time hasn't it? But dont forget to check out Skate Park 2! Just came out yesterday!
I'm going to try this map and see which one I like the best. The pipes looks smooth and I can't wait to try the bowl. 5/5, make the third soon!
I have talked to some forgers that are better than I am, such as "The Yellow" "TheSilenceBroken" and a few others to be named later, to help with a third.
It's one of the greatest maps i've ever really seen I got to give you props. The coolest stuff in the map is everything.
It sure will be worth making a third. I have recently got in touch with a few "pro forgers" such as sargeant sarcasm, Bl00D FIR3, TheSilenceBroken, The Yellow, Vicious Vice, xSharpshooter94, and a few others. I am trying to make this next skate park map as good as possible.
Scarfac3d, you should ask a moderator to lock this. You want all the attention to go to your new version Sk8 park 2. That way it could get more downloads instead of people downloading this version. When Sk8 park 3 comes out you should do the same to version 2 BTW I will make a youtube vid for Sk8 Park 3 when it comes out IF you are nice to me. lol but seriosely... BTW2 Am I on the list of "proforgers" that you named above? I think I should since I* made SpaceAge as my first posted map and Code Impulse which has an amazing elivator switch and super awsome geoglitching (DON"T DENY IT) BTW3 Include me in the "proforgers" list if you want that vid! BTW4 Let me be in the party if I'm online and you are working on version 3 or you won't getthat youtube vid! JK but seriosely don't boot me. I want to help and be in the party!
That had to be one of the most arrogant post I have ever seen on forgehub. Your that desprate to get on a list that you will bribe him.. Wow GD.... Anyways as for the video I can help you out two with my pro editing program. Haha. Anyways I will add something to skatepark three while im at... school.... tomarrow.
This is still one of my favorite aesthetic maps ever. Much better than any of the skate parks of recent memory. The most intriguing part is the half-pipe. Which is interlocked almost perfectly to create an extremely smooth look. Although the rest of the map is also amazing. If there was still an aesthetic map pack for feature. Im sure this would get in!
I remember this one, me and my friends messed around on it for about 2 hours thinking about making a video similer to the one that Tommy Pickles made. I really liked how you made prestine ramps and rails, they worked extremely well when I used a ghost on them both. I can't guarantee you a future feedback post seeing how I always forget to comeback lol. I'll consider a Re-DL just because I remember the sheer funness me and my friends had on this one. Que'd
I normally don't download aesthetic maps, but I will for this one. All I can say is wow for the halfpipes, that's really the reason I'm going to download it, you can see how many walls you used in making them and they actually look like they were already built forge items. 5/5 on the neatness of the map (and the half pipes)
I have edited this map because i think more time was spent interlocking than in concept--the concept of this map is very original and hsould have being evaluated more so ill be posting my version of this map soon in my fileshare so look for it and compare it whit the original--ican gurateed my spawning system is way more better than the original.