Hey, does anyone here play guild wars? I play it, but only with my friends at my friend's house. He has it and whenever I go over there we play for a while. Our guy is level 9 (halfway to 10) and has a fungal wallow as a mini pet. I want to trade it for an undead or a mini charr or something. We are a ranger/mesmer and have a bow that is 17-28 I think. Reply back and we will add you!!!!
I tried it once, but you couldn't really control your fighting. It just automatically fought for you. I got rid of it.
i played it but i stopped because im waiting for GW2.. or some good new game to come out. i might just play wow, but GW2 will have world PvP at no cost.. and it sounds amazing
PvP was the only good aspect of that game, although it was exceptional. They actually made it where it required skill and planning, and not just a few lucky shots. If you had a good team with a good strategy, you could win alot! My best winning streak was like 56 if I recall correctly. We faced the same guys about 10 times. I bet they were pissed. good times, good times.