GOLD DIGGER ALLEY is a cuasual infection map it's parent map is foundry. STORY: you are a miner on the planet zooth and while you are mining you break open a secret cave and zombies come out. you must hold out for 3 min. OBJECTS USED: Barrier x2 Pallet x2 Wall Double x3 Wall Corner x2 Door x1 Shield Door x1 AR x2 BR x2 Rocket Launcher x1 (Hidden) Deployable Cover x1 (Hidden) Misc. Scenery x7 Game Type: GOLD DIGGER Starting Weapon: Magnum LINKS AND PIX WILL BE POSTED ASAP!!!
please put pics on before you post. i assume you know how because you said. incase you don't look at the group in my sig, and on the second page it explains how to embed pics.
Based on the things you said, The map seems very empty, and didn't take much time or effort. If you embed pictures I might change my mind about this map, but a good idea though
wow that is quite a small list of items... i really am anxious to see what uve done w/ it... if u r going to post please include ur things b4 u post dont do it later... if u need type it in word or w/e u have then add the links then copy paste and post on FH but dont do this... if u need help w/ ur pix i will help u PM me