Now your probably thinking, FOUNDRY to small! I was thinking, use Avalanche. I think we could use 1 side of the map, from the base to the death barrier. Does anyone think this could be done? Does anyone think it's a good idea?
HERE: Much of Terminal is slanted (walkways). I think this could easily be done withe ramps on Avalanche. Many of the building could be made with boxes and walls. With good interlocking, we could make it look like Terminal.
I think that this could be done with the proper interlocking and geomerging. It would take a lot of talent and time though.
maybe but u would have to down sive and it would take LOTS of skill to do i wouldnt sign my self up...
I don't know how you'd manage to recreate the Sacred and Holy Train of Death. The rails themselves wouldn't be too difficult if you made them out of teleporters. The problem is, it would require many man-cannons and you couldn't do the two way thing. Another problem is that it's not flat or wide enough. I'm not sure what side you'd be using, but I'd reccommend the steam one. I would be interested in helping, though. Terminal was one of my favorite maps. Evor.
Well about the train, I was thinking, could just be tracks, OR as i saw on another map, someone used a warthog for a train.
Me and some friends got a working train in foundry once, there is a tunnel full of mancannons on the sides and dumpsters fly through every once in a while, but pretty much anything in the way screws the whole thing up completely.