Thanks for the kudos Goat, I hear your map is finished as well. Can't wait to play it. I just had some testing done today and I still have a few teaks to make. Version 2 will be ready before the weekend if I can get some more testing done tonight (tomorrow if needed).
Version 2 is now available. I reworked the original post here with new info and pics. I also replaced the old link with the new one. Thanks to all who helped in testing and gave their priceless input.
Map looks great. I really like whats going on in the 2nd pic. Interlocking looks great. It looks like it would be great for objective games. I'll d/l later.
I love what you've done with the reworking of this map. I feel that I helped you somewhat making it. But right now I don't have the time to write up a full saint review. So when I get back on I will do so. Great job on the map Hadokenchild. I can honestly see this getting featured now.
Ooh! I helped with weapon layout, yes! But honestly, this map looks ike it could get Featured, yes. I`m gonna download the new version now!