Rainbow Snipers - New gametype?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DimmestBread, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello all, this is my gametype rainbow snipers (I found the name on the site and I thought it was cool). I wanted to post it to see if it was good but I also want ideas on what I can probobly improve. So here are the settings and stuff on the map. Keep in mind this is purely a casual gametype.

    Starting weapon - Sniper rifle
    Secondary - needler
    Scoring -
    +1 for a kill
    +2 for a headshot
    +1 for a spree
    -1 for a beatdown
    -1 for an assassination
    +1 for a stick
    +10 for a splatter
    play to 100 kills
    No starting grenades
    No motion tracker

    Custom powerup: duration is 30 seconds
    *turns players orange
    *Shield recharge rate goes to 110%

    Respawn times:
    *5 second respawn
    *No suicide or betrayel penalty

    Leader traits:
    *The leading team is forced green.

    Weapons/Grenades/Equipment spawn times:
    8 beam rifle - 10 sec
    8 sniper rifle - 10 sec
    1 plasma rifle - 60 sec
    1 Plasma pistol - 60 sec
    1 sentinal beam - 180 sec
    1 spartan laser - 180 sec
    1 fuel rod gun - 150 sec
    2 brute spiker - 60 sec

    8 plasma grenade - 10 sec
    4 firebomb grenade - 20 sec

    1 bubble shield - 60 sec
    1 grav lift - 60 sec
    1 deployable cover - 30 sec

    4 custom powerup - 30 sec

    So what are your thoughts about this gametype. The map uses the entire foundry and has many structures. Please post your thoughts and anything to improve here.
    #1 DimmestBread, Sep 19, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2008
  2. xmat123x

    xmat123x Ancient
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    Ooooooooooooooo the colors. That has to be fun lol and needlers is kinda like a sniper at medium range with it's homing abilities. It sounds pretty cool but what's the point of changing the leaders to green?

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would take out the plus one for an assist. Either that or bump up what the kills are worth. Just my opinion.
  4. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    Thats a really a good idea. The weapon set is very creative, as is the game type. Such colorful lag. Personally, I don't think that you should get the same amount of points for an assist as a kill. Also, the lack of betrayal/ suicide penalty is questionable.
  5. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks so far you guys, I will change the points for the assists, betrayal and suicide.

    For changing the colors to green as the leader it makes the game slightly more colorfulish. idk, i thought it would be cool.
  6. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, the leader colors sounds pretty cool. Did you make a map for this? If so, post a DL link for the map and the gametype. I WANNA PLAY!!!
  7. Teerav11

    Teerav11 Ancient
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    if i were you i would change all the point settings back and putt\ 2 plasma grenades on each of the starting points so they all start with stickys. that would make it more colourful
  8. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you are in the tester guild, and I'm pretty sure you are, you will be able to help test it tonight if I can get on.

    I will look into this and try it out.
  9. Teerav11

    Teerav11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you guys spelt colour wrong. you spelt it the american way but since canadians are better you have to spel it the canadian way! lolz
  10. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    I'll be on tonight. Post a map testing thread here. If you don't know how to post a map in the Map Testing forum, click here.
  11. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah i'm going to post a thread this evening so look out for it. There are a few bugs I have to fix though because the sentinal beam and fuel rod won't spawn for some reason and it is on place at start yes so i'm not sure. I've tested it already though and it is better than I thought it would be. Now you get +10 for a splatter and there is a mongoose.

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