Who lives in a pinaple under the sea spongebob squarepants oh yes its true spongebob has made to halo 3 DOWNLOAD Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
How is this spongebob lol. not being a **** or anything, maybe add a bit more of a discription, and a gametype to go along with your map. I don't quite understand whats going one.
Is that Spongebob?.... Anyway... change your post name From Oooooooooo... to something else... and I'm guessing this is just an ascetic map?
this post is not up to FH's standards...you must name the thread title the same as the map name on your fileshare BTW the map has nothing to do with spongebob, since you DIDNT POST A PROPER DESCRIPTION EITHER!!!
I see the SpongeBob. Maybe add his teeth/mouth. It's a tough thing to make so you probably won't get any good reviews.
oh my god....some people here are just a LITTLE slow... look at the top of the page people! it's in the aesthetic section! of COURSE its an aesthetic map! there's no gametype or anything, its for looks! (sigh) anyways, that is a pretty accurate spongebob. i won't bother getting into a discussion of how you spend your free time, but i will say that if you spent this much time on it already, you might as well get a few more pictures and a bit more of a description. you know, like how you built it, what everything is. just....give a little more detail. it looks good tho
Lol he's sitting down. At least you interlocked even if it doesn't look like him too much. I guess the nose is kind of cool though, because you made it out of FCoils.
I SEE IT... he has blue eyes and a spatula and fusion coils for a nose... i win i win... thats pretty funny lol nice job on it lots of detail... more picks next time and a kool feature... i donno wat tho... 3/5 it good... thats above average... nice job
Spongebob is sitting down with a spatula in his hand. It is hard to tell, but if you look closely you can see the resemblence. I would suggest at least explaining your map better because I shouldn't have to think as critically as I did to figure out what it is. 2/5