Just got back from Bungie.net after reading the Keep It Clean News. Just wanted to here on some speculations about this. Personally I think it is hyping an unannounced map, probably city based considering it says Japan and Metropolitan. KEEP IT CLEAN
The Tokyo reference could also be suggesting Bungie is going to make some kind of announcement at TGS (Tokyo Game Show). It'll be interesting to see what happens in the next few days.
Its not new maps, the keep it clean thing went along with the supposed to happen E3 announcement so its probably bungie's next project. I still wantz n3w m4ps th0
I heard a few rumors Bungie was going to do something with in the next few days....this is probably the project that was cut from E3 2008. Hoping it's good!
Yea, I hard some where if you take a number from each time he says keep it clean, u get the date in which they where supposed to announce. It was canceled though.
More of Bungie teasing us nearly into orgasm then having only turn out to be dry cumming. In other words they are waisting our time with **** like this. Just give us the news aout whatever it is you're doing and be done with it. Giving us tid bits of meaningless information does nothing but make people guess and over hype it. then when it turns out it sucks, they hate you even more.
We know that the SI was part of an ARG in July for their announcement before it was cancelled. Could it be that Microsoft is allowing them to announcesomething in the next month?
i saw this too n i was like HUH bungie like to tease only leading to disappointment like the clones everybody RAVED about... bungie puts us on chicken hunts then says... u guys WAY OVER THOUGHT THAT... we just wanted to post a story... lol this i hope is a NEW map but i wont get my hopes up seeing as how i no how bungie works
Whats with Bungie freakin teasing us with this crap? Can't they try to be a little more straight forward? I know that some people are actually amused by this Bungie nonsense, but come on. Don't get your hopes up guys, if you think it might be something about a new map. It's probably nothing. Even if it is though, this is starting to get annoying.
for some reason this stood out to me [SUPERINTENDENT]: “BE A HERO! REPORT VIOLATORS!” i dont know why. maybe it was because they annouced the new ban. i dunno
The Supintendant has said that before they announced the new banning system. People on the Bungie forums have thought that because of theese phrases (including some that sound like city road signs) that they were going to remake a couple maps.
Eh, I like the update, keeps everyone guessing as to what it is going to be. What we do know though, is that they will be telling soon.
Heres one theory hat kinda made sense from bnet ( not mine ) <\\> UNSC OFFICE OF NAVAL INTELLIGENCE Bungie isn't leaving any doubt, it's in the Halo universe. First line UNSC Office of Naval Intelligence. Figures that ONI is gonna take over after the events of Halo 3. \ RECEPIENT: PROWLER “TOKYO RULES” [COMM.DUTY.OFFICER] ONI is using a Prowler around whatever planet (we know it's a planet because the SI is a "URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE A.I.") Why would a Prowler be needed now that the Covenant are disbanded, and the Sangheili are Humanity's allies? Suspicious... >> (.) \ VTT TRANSCRIPT AS FOLOWS... [SUPERINTENDENT]: “METROPOLITAN EMERGENCY!” [SUPERINTENDENT]: “METROPOLITAN EMERGENCY!” [SUPERINTENDENT]: “METROPOLITAN EMER--!” [COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “We know. Personnel are en route. Can you--” [SUPERINTENDENT]: “DETOUR! PROCEED WITH CAUTION!” [COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “--put Kinsler on the line?” [SUPERINTENDENT]: [UNITELLIGIBLE > DOG GROWLING(?)] [COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “Sorry, what?” [SUPERINTENDENT]: “BE A HERO! REPORT VIOLATORS!” [COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “Oh, come on... ” [SUPERINTENDENT]: “METROPOLITAN EMER--!” [COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “Listen. We have a report of core data corruption.” [COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “I need you to upload your--” [SUPERINTENDENT]: “PARDON OUR DUST!” [SUPERINTENDENT]: “YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK!” [COMM.DUTY.OFFICER] “--logs for the last twenty-four hours!” [SUPERINTENDENT]: “KEEP IT CLEAN!” [SUPERINTENDENT]: “KEEP IT CLEAN!” [SUPERINTENDENT]: “KEEP IT CLEAN!” [COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: [UNINTELLIGIBLE > PROFANITY (?)] [COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “We're sending a team, alright?” [COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “Until they arrive, all additional comm needs to route through me.” [COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “Repeat and acknowledge.” [SUPERINTENDENT]: “OBEY POSTED LIMITS!” [SUPERINTENDENT]: “YIELD TO UPHILL TRAFFIC!” [COMM.DUTY.OFFICER]: “I'll take that as a ‘yes’...” [SUPERINTENDENT]: “PLEASE REMAIN CALM!” All the SI desktops have phrases from this conversation. I find it interesting the comm officer says "We know" in response to the METROPOLITAN EMERGENCY warning. IT seems as though there is some major disaster or crisis and a broken AI is only further frustrating the comm officer. The SI is obviously damaged, or potentially going insane(Rampant?) Does any of this remind anyone of Marathon? A simple maintenance AI suddenly malfunctioning in bizzare ways? Why would the Prowler send personnel unless the AI couldn't be contained anymore by conventional means. I just noticed in the banner ad for the SI desktop pictures there is a line that says "<subliminal message>". It's probably just some fun on Bungie's part, but it could mean that in his damaged state the SI could be trying to brainwash the populace into maybe revolting against the UNSC or something similarly bizzare. A good theory I heard on the forums is that this is going to be a prequel to Halo. The SI could possibly be an AI on Harvest, during the first Covenant attack. It would explain ONI's presence. (thanks joe campbell)