I want bungie to just make new maps but if they have to do remakes then I would love to see headlong or terminal because halo 3 needs a city map. I loved sanctuary too great scenery and layout. Relic, how can I forget relic? Avalanche was a great map k? cold storage and blackout, even though I didn't play alot of the originals are pretty fun. I love last resort too. Your all going to yell at me for saying this but valhalla is a favorite map of mine in halo 3 because I like taking over the hill its always a battle for it and Mancannons are cooler than tellies.
umm... k? id like to see some remakes too, but they dont excite me half as much as originals.. GHOST TOWN FTW.
There in my opinion were two awesome maps in halo CE. Bloodgultch/ coagulation. And Lockout I think it was called. it had little pillars and thw two little shotgun bases
I <3 u. I love this map, it's probably my favorite of H3 Um, no. Lockout was definitely not Halo:CE. I believe you are thinking of Hang 'em High
thanks squidhands, thats right. I dont play halo ce that much, thno i occasionally do with my little brother and thats the only map we play
Halo:CE has some of the best asymmetrical maps ever. Just the graphics suck, lol. They did a "remake" of Hang 'em High in H2 with Tombstone, which I didn't really care for as much as the original.
oh ya, now that i look at it it does look like a remake. I loved the layout and likke the visuals of that map. I didn't care for tombstone either.
Well, I would personally like fresh maps, so long as they play good. A remake here or there wouldn't be to bad.
I think that the remakes they have already made are good, but I want headlong or blood gulch remade. Those are really fun maps to play on. I will be keeping a close eye on them!
I like new maps too. They are more exciting when they come out and you get to explore them, but I have to say that for remakes Blood Gulch/ Coagulation, Beaver/ Battle Creek, and Relic would be the best. Relic is one of my favorite maps from a Halo game and Battle Creek is pretty awesome too.
this thread is really getting started lol i reread through it but didnt see nething about Ivory Tower... now come on it is an awesome map... its good for everything... n i could play on it for hours... next thought nearly all maps from halo2 were good w/ the exception of a select few... but almost all halo3 maps suck its terrible... if u could veto more then once i dont ewant to think how long it could take to get a game going... i would like to see midship too and beaver creek... and elongation... n um... thats my top list put almost all would do..
I really miss some of the urban environments from Halo 2. We had a few of them. Headlong, Terminal, and Turf. If I don't get to see any remakes of these maps, I'd at least like to see an urban environment map return to the lineup.
ah yes, Ivory Tower is the one map that comes to mind when i think of remakes, sorry. That and maybe a slightly more thought out version of tombstone.
I genuinely think if Bungie were to add exact copies of all Halo 2 maps into H3 nobody would mind, the majority would actually be very happy. And most of all, it would be fxxxing awesome. As far as new Halo 3 maps go, I see them becoming less and less enjoyable. Lets be honest, Bungie already has our money and they're millionaires. Do you really think they care about what we think of their maps? Who knows, they might pull something out of their asses. As for my personal favorites:I would love Midship, Beaver Creek, Foundation, Relic, Sanctuary, pretty much anything else from H2.
A copy of Relic would be awesome. Or Headlong. It's a large urban map, which Halo 3 currently lacks. Also, imagine the Forging possiblities of those maps. Wraiths or Banshees on Relic, sounds fun to me.
Even though Isolation was supposed to be a 'spiritual successor' to Beaver Creek, I still think Bungie could do better and make something a little more similiar to the original.
No! Please no remakes! I want to see completely new maps and be shown that bungie has the little creative mind..